Update on miss V...

Since Violet has been sick, most of you know she has had to spend most of her day inside.  She really has adjusted quite well.  And I have had a ton of photo opportunities I dont usually have, so I have completely taken advantage of it.  She is sooooo photogenic :)  A little while back one of my sweet sweet readers, Heather, sent miss V a get well care package.  It was the most thoughtful gift.  Violet loves the hedgehog!  She even sent a get well card, sooo cute!!!  Made my heart melt.

I cant even tell you how many times I have kissed that little foerhead these last few weeks.  She goes in for her second round of treatment in about a week.  So we are about half way through this!  I cant wait to see her running around again and playing.

Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. xo.
