Guest post by Searching for Serendipity >>>

HI there, my name is Kami and I blog over on Searching for Serendipity.  Id like to take a moment to tell you a very simply way you can make a very big impact on this world, sponsor a blog. Seriously. See here is the thing, I have always been an avid supporter of women's rights around the world. It has been a dream of mine to find a way for my blog to make a difference, but I just didn't see how...until know. Enter the "Because I am A Girl" project by Plan Canada.
My husband and I sponsor a 2 year old girl from Kenya. Our monthly donation helps send her to school and provide clean drinking water for her and her family. I would love to do more but with my own new child to raise, I simply can't afford it. I believe that a little bit goes a LONG WAY and so I got to thinking. What if I started selling sponsor spots on the blog for just $5, and if 100% of that money went towards the "Because I am a Girl" project? Think how fast that could ad up!!!!

Lets say 10 people sign up, that is $50 that month
The following month more people sign up, there is another $50+ a month
So lets imagine that we could then donate a minimum of $600 towards a "Gift of Hope" that could be a cow, three chickens, a drinking well, midwife kits, baby blankets, and even paying for children to go to school!!!!!!!!! THAT IS HUGE! Look how far your simple $5 sponsorship just went, and you promoted your blog at the same time! How great is that?

At the end of every month I will take the 100% of the money we have raised and use it to buy a "Gift of Hope" as part of the "Because I am a Girl" project. These gifts could be things such as midwifery care kits, baby blankets, education funds, chickens (the girls sell the eggs for money), cows (again milk is sold to provide for their family) etc. I will update my readers on these gifts of hope, how they will be used, and what bloggers helped make this dream a reality.

On our own we can only do so much, but together we can change the lives of girls in need. Just by promoting your own blog for only $5 you can help make a difference. If you are interested please contact me today!