Roots & Feathers

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1 0f 100 photos

So, like I mentioned before, I am taking on a PHOTO challenge...

Jen if you are reading this, you should do this too!

I am going to take 100 photos of 1 object.
This will be an ongoing process until Im done!

Inspired by Michelle Black's Photographers Forum...

Here is #1

I think I will update these to my Facebook as well, so you can view them there if you are a regular :)


This cute thing on my head is my first braided headband, made from recycled scraps. It also has some feathers and a button, but didnt make it into this shot.

This was created using this tuturial by Smile and Wave, one of my favorite blogs...thanks!

I have made 3 of them. I should be putting one in the shop soon! Wayyyy too cute for AUTUMN!


And this is a photo bracelet I just put up in my shop. I have refrained from posting all of my photo jewelry on etsy because I do not get as much response, but I think Im gonna go for it again...I personally just LOVE it. A way to get my photos and jewelry!

Let me know your feedback on such items, please!

Peace and Love,