Oops, I almost ate Bambi!!!
Feeling so overwhelmed, I forgot my excitement for a minute and decided to munch on Bambi...
But I quickly snapped out of it and became over joyed by my wonderful life.
on a side note: I am feeling very overwhelmed, excited, tired, and hysterical all at the same from events that have happened in this past week. But I feel like I am so behind. I am behind on reading all of my lovely friends blogs, I didnt even send a donation to Jamie's MS giveaways...which really disappoints me. Im sorry Jamie!!!
You should go on over to her blog to find some really cool 'orange' giveaways for her MS project all this week, and watch some really touching videos while you are there. Oh, and meet one of the sweetest girls on the whole web!
We shopped all day long today. We had soooo many errands to run. Kerrville and San Antonio!!! Im so tired. But we both got some much needed things.
James got himself a bottle of spray ink for some stencils he is going to try out. He is thinking of making stenciled tee shirts and stuff for guys. Im super stoked about this idea, to no end! So I had no problem spending money at Hobby Lobby on him! It was quite fun shopping together instead of just dragging him along!
Ill take some photos of my goodies later. Too tired tonite.
I have a few custom orders to start working on that Im super excited about, one of them is for a dear blog reader *excited* its a custom tee shirt like this:
And I was asked to do a Diptych project with the amazing Elle Moss, one of my favorite photographers, I feel so honored and hope I can live up to her work! Check out the blog they have devoted to these projects:
My head is spinning right now, I think I need to stop typing.