Roots & Feathers

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Homegrown Grand Opening

First of all, I want to thank everyone for your prayers for Noogs, they worked! He was able to come home yesterday after being hooked up to oxygen for 3 hours, and then getting a shot of the medicines he was not taking. He perked up a bit after that and is now back at home. Im not sure if this was just a temporary fix, but Im thankful we did not have to let go of him yesterday, so THANK YOU!!!

Last night was the grand opening of a shop in Uvalde called Homegrown that our friend is opening. Both Shelley and I have put our stuff in it, and it could not be more perfect, everything looks right at home there. The shop is owned by the cutest couple around and I hope the best for them in this adventure! I just wish it wasnt 1 1/2 hours away so I could just pop in all the time!

Here is what I wore. I never wear heels and these just about killed before the night was over.

I took pics just about the whole way there.
We got caught in the middle of a crazy storm, it rained so hard and was so windy. I hate driving when it rains, so scary!!!
The shop is so cute, filled with old furniture. They had some of their friends play music during the event. They always have cool records laying out!
Peeks of Shelley's journals and my jewelry and belts! She had everything displayed so cute.
Are you ready for this cuteness???

This little mickey mouse tshirt onsie was what I got Xavier for his baby shower before he was born, and it finally fits! It is so stinkin cute its unreal. So perfect for him. And they paired it with his flame converse and his red glasses! Such a precious family, so glad they are in our lives.

Today is a lazy family day. We are going to wheel Nico's cage (our lovebird) into the living room, and have Violet and Bella join us for some movie time later.
