Roots & Feathers

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My Louisiana Girls

Here are a few pics from when Katelyn came through Texas last week!

It was so nice to see her, even for a short bit. And I know I have said it before, but I am 100% in love with Leena.

Katie is so stinkin cute!

Snuggling with Leena

We had a sushi picnic at the river!

Leena was super excited about the picnic when I told her there were ducks at the river! So she spent most of her time looking at the ducks.

duck watching.

Leena fed her puppy fig newtons :)

James showed Leena the ducks

Leena is the only little kid I have ever seen James just hang out with, its so cute.

This afternoon we had a wonderful time at a local venue saying goodbye to a good friend. The whole town had a party for her, it was really quite moving and sweet.

Then we came home and watched 4 Rooms with Jen, while our friend Jonny taught my dad how to dance at a local bar. Quite an eventful day!

Which means I had a reason to dress up, so the cutest outfit post ever comes tomorrow!
