Roots & Feathers

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Instagram Love >>>

A little Instagram recap from last week. I really love all the photos I capture on my little ipod.  I took a bunch last night of Bella.  I can hardly believe this month is already half over.  I knew it was going to go by quickly, but geez!  Im very behind on Soulodge, so I decided to take the rest of the lodge at my own pace and stop trying to keep up with the times things were posted.  I feel I did not connect with anyone really (my own fault since I did not put myself out there much)... so I feel I wont be missing out on much by taking it at my own pace.  Starting tomorrow Im going to take a 30 day yoga challenge with some of my online friends.  Im excited to have some girls to fall back on for support.  Its so easy to bow out when you are faced with the day ahead.  Im looking forward to this challenge - or should I say opportunity.

*you can see my instagram feed right on my facebook fanpage wall*
I wore my darling hand-painted headwrap from O Bella Organics.  I love the simple earthiness of her shop, and the soft colors.  The tops she is coming out with are oh so lovely!

I had a HUGE closet sale on facebook this week and almost sold out of everything.  It was an attempt to save up extra money to put towards a new car since we lost James...  It was a great success and I already feel lighter.

A snap from my outfit post the other day.  You can see more here.  Love this necklace from Kiki Koyote.  Isnt that just a cute shop name?

Breakfast yummies.  For those who follow me on instagram, you may notice I eat this often.

Violet sun bathing.  Its been chilly outside lately so she has been soaking it up when the sun comes out to play.

James built me a compost bin this week.  His first time to build anything.  Im so so proud of him!  This is just one layer.  Ill take real pics when we get it out in the yard.  Ahhhh, love him!

Bella just being her cute little self.  One of her favorite spots to sit is the back of the couch.  She just dangles her feet off the back of it :)

I hung up a post card I got from Christina of Spiral Drift on my office wall with my other pretties.  Love these little things.  Im dreaming of rearranging my office space. 

My girl Hillary sent me a love package the other and I was over the moon with big feelings of love...  She sent me lots of my favorite incense (that I only get from her), this beautiful ring below, and some girly face and hand stuff.  She knows how to make this girl feel special.  Thank you my beautiful rain.

James made crepes filled with strawberries, nutella and homeade whipcream.  All by himself.  And built a fire that night.  Talk about a sweet boy.  They were soooo yummy!

Ive been feeling like my body is trying to get sick for the past few days, so my first line of defense was a bath with the salts my friend Hillary got me, my lavender oil and a packet of emergen-c. Not feeling good does have a few little perks :)
