Roots & Feathers

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I'm starting to get very excited about the new home of Roots and Feathers that is coming


.  Ive been working on the website for hours and hours these past two weeks, and its finally coming together.  Its going to be so much fun to have more of a website then just a blog.  I may (I hate to say I will in case it doesn't happen yet), but I may be launching it by monday!  Or sooner or later.  But either way, soon!  I wanted to give you a heads up in case you happen to land here and it either be temporarily disabled, or something else while Im working on the switch over.  I might not have to though...

As soon as its about to go live, Ill announce it over here and send you a link!  It will be a bit sad to leave this space behind, Ive loved it for so long... but Im excited to take the next step and change things up a bit.  Change is always good.  And honestly, the vibe over there is so me, and so much like this, that you will feel right at home instantly, I promise.

I will also be switching over my sponsor ads.  All of my current sizes will no longer be.  I have sent all of my current sponsors email about the switch over, but Im still waiting on just a few to send me their new size ads, so please do so soon!  Also, if you would like to have your ad up on the blog for the new launch, email me asap.  I will now have 3 Feature spots, instead of just one, and these will be the only spots available for giveaways now... And Im going to have a separate blog just for the giveaways, to they wont get buried in old posts anymore!  And the medium and small spots are going to be much larger now! 

my email

, violet_bella (at) hotmail (dot) com.  <----


put sponsor spot in the subject line.

Speaking of giveaways, the winner of the

Blurb Photo Planner Giveaway


Please email me soon so I can get you your code to make your planner in time!  Thank you!

Be back soon,
