Roots & Feathers

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A few days after getting home from our vacation I got to keep little miss Laurel again.  I'm officially a part time babysitter now... I'll be watching her every saturday, and eventually, two days a week!  I'm excited to see how I can work in keeping her with my busy schedule, and so far its been pretty easy.  I was able to still get alot done this time.  I brought her swing into my studio and she happily and contentedly swung next to me while I worked.  This stage may not last long, so I'm relishing it while its here!  She is just a joy to be around though, always smiling and always talking.  You just look at her and she smiles!  Its the cutest thing.  She really gives me baby fever.  Her mama is so lucky to have her! 

This week I started taking Feathering the Nest, the ecourse by Stephanie and Leah that I recently had a giveaway for.  The first day we were to pull 8 things from our home that we loved, and 8 things that drive us crazy.  It was super easy for me to pull 8 things I loved, but not so easy to pull 8 things that drive me crazy, b/c I don't really keep things that I don't love.  But what I noticed right away that drives me crazy about my house sometimes is when I let it get cluttered.  Most of the time Im pretty good at keeping a straight house, but sometimes things pile up and it totally affects my mood.  When my house is clean and organized I feel so much calmer and lighter in spirit.  Being a cancer, I'm such a homebody, and my space needs to be my sanctuary, a place I feel calm and inspired in, and I feel so out of whack when its not.  Something about messes frazzles me, like an overstimulation or something.  I'm such a visual person too, so if I can see it, I'm stimulated by it, in one way or another.  Even though I feel like I'm pretty good at feathering my nest, so to speak, I'm excited to learn from Steph and Leah, b/c I always think you can learn more from others, no matter how good you think you are at something.  It's a humbling experience to allow others to teach you something. 

I've had an obsession recently with pesto, goat cheese, greens and tomatoes on EVERYTHING!  I have been finding so many different combinations and I just can't get enough. 

Little peeks at what I wore for a photoshoot collaboration with Soulmakes. 

I went to my doctor to find out my blood results... Lets just say it was an emotionally challenging day.  I already wrote a huge lengthy post here on this twice and it failed to save, so Im taking that as Im not suppose to go into it just yet... So Ill just leave it at that for now. 

James and I started The Ultimate Yogi this week.  So far its amazing!  Ill keep you updated on our progress with it.  Thank you Mae and Marissa for making this a reality for us! xo