Roots & Feathers

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I am SO EXCITED to share this DIY with you today.  I have had this in my head for so many months now and I finally took the time yesterday to make it come to life.  It turned out even more beautiful than I originally imagined.  I think this would be a great idea for a child's room to display their name... the possibilities are really endless.  I was going to attach it to a wood board and hang it on the wall, but I decided to keep the letters loose so I can move it around the house as I please.   

S U P P L I E S:

sticks & small branches // pieces of nature, ie: feathers, leaves, shells, bone, seeds, dried flowers // twine, ie: hemp, wire, leather // hot glue // scissors

I made an adventure out of it by taking Violet with me on a nature walk to collect our goodies. 

S T E P S:

1 // lay all your branches out in the shape you want them.  i had to break a few longer branches to get the right size.  i also wanted my letters to have enough surface space to glue all my goodies on it, so I doubled up my branches.  this made it sturdier too, so it was a win win. 

2 // glue all of your branches together with hot glue.  i used hot glue for this kind of project b/c it dries super fast, otherwise this project would of taken a week.  don't worry about being messy with the glue.  your nature pretties will cover most of it up.   

3 // secure the corners and ends of the sticks together with your twine.  it not only keeps it together for the long run but also adds to the look when you use things like thick hemp or deerskin. 

4 // begin to layout your nature trinkets on your letters to get a feel for how you want it to look.  i did this with the first letter and then i just went to town and started gluing away with no rhyme or reason. 

5 // find a pretty place in your home to display your new nature art! 

Below are a few close ups so you can really see the kinds of items that were used and how they were placed. 

Now it's time to display your letter art!  I made a cozy little reading nook centered around mine.  This area needed some refreshing, so it was perfect!  Enjoy! 

If you make something from this DIY I would LOVE to see it, send me a link!