Welcome Patreons…

o c t o b e r

…let the music move you as you journey on…

Use code OCTOBERPATREON30 for 30% off my shop all month long


I thought I would walk down memory lane with some photos this month… This photo was taken back in 2008, before I even had a DSLR camera. It was taken with a little point and shoot camera. I truly had no idea what I was doing. I would just take my camera out, usually with a little tripod, and set it on the delay timer setting, and run back and forth from my camera to the spot I was taking the photo. Most of the 1,000’s of photo I took were shit. But every now and then there would be a decent shot. Even though this photo is blurry and grainy, and the styling is so not how I would do it today, I love to be able to look back at my determination to make something with almost nothing and no real knowledge to support me. I just had a seed of a passion inside me and I ran with it.

I think I’m sharing this to remind myself of this seed. Times have been hard lately + my creativity feels like it has fallen flat these past few months. I’d like to remember that all it takes is a spark of passion for something + the drive to make it come to life.


a blood ritual…

I am freshly out of my menstruation and thought I would share here a bit about my personal practice with my menstrual blood. I have used it in varying ways throughout the years, and in an off and on fashion. In 2015 I used it in deep ceremony with myself when I called in Ava, giving it to the earth around the area I was grounding myself into that day. I also sometimes collect it and add it to my water for my plants. It’s very similar to bloodmeal and can be beneficial. It’s best when collected fresh, and mixed with water to dilute it. I use a cup which makes the process very easy. I just dump the blood into a jar of water each time I empty the cup instead of pouring it down the drain, which just feels like such a waste of a sacred, precious element we carry as women.

Last night I painted with it before using it in my plants. I only had it diluted, so it made a very beautiful light brownish color when it dried. Ava said she loved the color it made! I love to do these things around her as if it is completely normal, so she doesn’t have to grow up thinking she needs to be ashamed of her own inner callings to be connected with herself, however that presents itself. We are so conditioned in our society to feel like we are freaks when we connect in these ways.

october oracle card

Rewards - abundance, bounty, sharing

The black bear has found its reward in the form of bright red, juicy, ripe pomegranates. Reaching in carefully, he pulls one to himself. The California Quails are not afraid. They know that they will reap the abundance from the seeds that escape the bear’s hungry mouth. The quail are simply taking advantage of the bounty to come. They know there is enough for all. By acknowledging this wealth of fruit, the bear accepts the fact that you can indulge yourself at times and still share the bounty with others.


Examine your world. Are you overcome with “don’t have” and “can’t get enough” worries? Is most of your time seemingly spent in scraping by? Do you make time to express gratitude for the gifts you do have? This may be a challenge for those of us who hold onto the idea of not being enough and not having enough. When life rewards you with its bounty, take time to acknowledge and celebrate the abundance and give thanks.

jounral prompts:

~ What can I celebrate right now?

~ What are three things I am grateful for today?

~ What rewards are there to be found in sharing?



self care prompt

This was from a post I made on social, and it feels like the perfect act of self care as we enter into the season of slowing down. I invite you do this with at least one meal a day this month, if you can remember to. I am going to attempt to do this as well.


“Tonite I gave myself a break from my detox and ate pre-packaged food… kidney bean, carrot + tamarind Dal with avocado. It was so delicious and it felt like a treat to not have to think about cooking.

But the real reason for this post…

I noticed at the beginning of eating how I began to devour it. I made myself slow down and savor each bite. Then I made myself go even slower. Feel my tongue as it sliced through the avocado creating an all new texture palette. Tasting each individual flavor. Noticing the warmth of the Dal against the coolness of the avocado.

This took presence. This took quieting the mind. This meant not watching a random TikTok while eating. Not distracting myself.

My mercury is in Gemini. My brain flits around like a butterfly on crack. It’s not the easiest to slow down. It requires intentional attention.

But as I slowed down in my eating, I noticed my breath slow down, and my heart beat slow down. My muscles relaxed. My body responded all over, not just in my mouth and my brain.

This may seem like a no brainer to some. But it was a beautiful reminder to myself.

I did listen to music though, which for me enhances the experience as my digestion responds to High Sound in my human design.

Do you do this? Does it come natural and easy for you? Or does it take a lot of focus?”

Continuing last month’s theme of movement… You don’t have to be standing to dance and feel connected to your body…

a space for love notes…

I will be updating throughout the month with more random goodness!

I will post links in the Patreon app so you will receive notifications when I do!

Disclaimer: All downloadable photos are for personal use only