Welcome Patreons…
…let the music move you as you journey on…
Use code SEPTEMBERPATREON30 for 30% off my shop all month long
This portrait came to fruition by surrendering to my authentic truth… I was desperately clinging to an idea of people pleasing perfection when I was thinking of what to create for my first Patreon image. After a much needed conversation with a friend, I allowed myself to set that aside and create from within.
This shoot brought me right back to my early days of photography, when I went in with wild abandon and allowed myself to create from pure muse as it arose in me. There was no second guessing, just going with the flow. I love this process b/c the end results are always a bit of a surprise, and when I allow myself to create from this space, I always end up with my most cherished images.
This may feel scary for some, but I invite you to dig into yourself and allow yourself to express from your deepest depths, no matter what the voices on the outside say.
behind the scenes…
Behind the scenes makeup from September’s photoshoot…
Behind the scenes set up for September’s shoot…
“Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered...”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
september oracle card
River - movement
The softened light from the sun falls upon this meandering river, the sparkles reflecting the gentle movement taking place in the river’s body. She moves easily around the curves and rocks, sometimes gently, as portrayed in this card, and sometimes quite rapidly and intensely. Still, the river’s movement will always eventually land her in the bosom of great Grandmother Ocean.
Some of her water will evaporate along the way to feed the waters of the sky — just as it takes place in any other bodies of water — and bless the land and the seas with replenishment in a perfectly natural cycle that helps the planet sustain itself. Water is our lifehood, a nutrient more essential than food. The flow of water throughout our own bodies serves as a metaphor for how life itself flows through us and expresses as us.
Fighting or blocking the flow of your Life Force can lead you to feeling spiritually void and disconnected from Source. Just like the metaphor of the river, it does not work to force or fight this compelling movement. When you simply pay attention and observe the flow, it becomes easier to navigate your experiences and see what lies ahead, or at least get a sense of what is to come by the ever-changing geography that unfolds as you cruise along.
Your resistance is hampering your ability to make a choice in this matter. Surrender to the movement of Life, be grateful, and you will see the signs along the shore and in the river itself that offer you clues about what direction your egoless Self is to be making. “Go with the flow” is more than a trite aphorism here. It is essential that you do so now. Breathe, relax, and you will know.
-earth magic oracle deck by steven farmer-
self care prompt
I invite you to use the oracle card above to create movement in your life. One of the biggest ways I have done this in my life is through dance. Moving my body to music, in whatever way it wants to move, has been transformative to my connection to self. Music itself connects us to another realm. Our bodies react so deeply to it's sound waves, the emotions we feel through the musicians lyrics, and the overall mood that exists within each song.
Set the mood… find a space in your home, or outside, where you feel safe, and can be uninhibited in your self expression. If you are around others that you don’t feel this way with you will hold back and not fully express what needs to come through.
Create your environment… this can be totally extra, but adds to the experience for me. I love moving my body in the evening when my room can be lit by just a salt lamp or twinkle lights. Don’t get me wrong, I dance all day long in the sunlight in every room of my house no matter if it’s a wreck or not. But I do find creating intentional space + time for this kind of movement definitely adds a hint of magic.
If you want to take this ever further… slip on clothing that makes you feel beautiful, sensual, or downright sexy as fuck. Or even explore moving your body in the nude. This is when I feel the most vulnerable, but also connect to myself in a completely different way when I allow myself to.
Explore different ways. Allow your body to move in any way it wants. Do not judge yourself. Remember, this is a safe container for YOU.
here is a snippet of my own movement expression…
When you dance,
Do your senses tingle?
Then take a chance?
In a trance,
While the lonely mingle
With circumstance?
~ When You Dance I Can Really Love by Neil Young
If you follow me on IG at @lauramazurek than you know another part of my daily self care lately has been picking out one record a day and listening to it. I usually do this in the morning, but some days the morning gets away from me. I wait to pick out the album until that morning so I can go with what I’m feeling in the moment. I try to listen to the whole album. If not all at once, at least throughout the day. And just let that be the album for the day. It’s been a really simple ritual that helps me embody one of the feelings I am trying to bring into my life… calm. It’s slow, moving, intentional… and of course has that special ol’ time feeling. And many of my records once belonged to my parents, so often it will connect me back to them for a moment in my day.
more photos…
click on images above for link to download
what I am reading…
I pre-ordered this book about 6 months before it was actually released. If you follow Rising Woman on IG, then you know it’s GOLD. I’m only a few chapters in so far, but it’s been a really good read so far. I am in the midst of a life altering relationship decision and one of the transitions I am walking through is re-membering myself + truly becoming my own first love. It hasn’t been the easiest thing. As we dig deeper within ourselves with honesty, we find deeply embedded patterns that may no longer serve us, but we can’t quite figure out how to release them. Or, we find new ways of coping with painful situations we have never experienced before, and create new patterns that are not the healthiest for ourselves, or anyone else around us. I have been walking through it all. Hoping I am learning the right lessons, trying to be very present for my own heart, and communing with spirit with new depths. I am coming back home to myself, one day at a time. It’s a bit like the Texas Two Step… One step forward, two steps back… But I am learning to go with the flow of the dance, and reminding myself that I can actually ENJOY the dance while I am in it. Learning to live with deep heartache and at the same time allowing pleasure to find me.
If you have any good book suggestions for this season of my life, please let me know in the form below!
What it looks and sounds like while I create jewelry, most of the time…
Equinox Reading…
This reading is from the Medicine Woman Tarot deck by Carol Bridges
Card 1, Self: The card in the center depicts the self at the time of reading.
Card 2, North: The card in the North position will tell you ways to relate to Earth and your material well being.
Card 3, East: The card in the East position will tell you how to relate to issues of sexuality, love-partnership, and creative work.
Card 4, South: The card placed in the South will tell you of adjustments you need to make in your thinking in order to fine tune for the results you desire.
Card 5, West: The card in the West will show you where you can best express your spirituality right now. Devote special time to this, and allow it to become your way to serve higher Being.
Card 6, Evolving Self: The sixth card shows the self that is evolving as a result of following the requests of the Four Directions.
I hope you enjoyed this reading. Let me know if it resonated. This was an Equinox reading, so the energies will be present for the next 6 months for this reading.
I will be updating throughout the month with new + full moon tarot spreads + more random goodness!
I will post links in the Patreon app so you will receive notifications when I do!
Disclaimer: All downloadable photos are for personal use only