New bottled up pretties...

Im about to be listing some new pretties in my Roots and Feathers shop.  These are sneak peaks of the finished versions.  I thought they looked so pretty together before adding the rest of the necklace parts.  I added a few new things the other day too.  Its looking mighty nice in the shop!

I had to take miss Violet up to the vet today to spend two nights to do her second part of her treatment.  It was sad dropping her off and we miss her already.  But she is in good hands.  Today has been full of getting things done.  I organized all of my paper work from the last 6 months.  Yep, that's how far behind I was!  Got my desk all cleaned off.  Worked on orders and photographed a bunch of new jewelry.  Now time to edit and list!  I also made a list minute decision to join a super amazing group of girls who are selling their wares at a local shop in New Braunsfels.  You can read Shauna from PPP's post all about it here.  Im so excited to be among them, and now I have my work cut out for me, oh my!  I have just two weeks to get a whole collection made for the shop!
