roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg
roots and feathers bohemian home decor and jewelry.jpg

As a designer I have always dreamed about having an area in my studio where I have my jewelry set up as if it were in a shop.  Mainly for inspiration.  And partly b/c Ive always dreamt of having my own store.  I simply don't have the room in my house for this right now, so I thought I would create little vingettes every now and then when I have new pretties that I am inspired by.  Most of this batch is new and will be in the shop when I get back from vaca.  I'm so so in love with some of the pieces.  Brown and turquoise are always my autumn colors.  And I'm in love with the new black leather necklace.  I will be making one for myself at some point!   

I'm so excited about the little bit of fall around the corner.  October will be a month of photoshoots, layers, nature walks, fires in the backyard, and so much more.   


roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio

Welcome to the space I spend most of my days in... my studio.  I realized I never shared this space since I recently changed from two rooms into one.  I downsized alot of supplies and created a space that would make me want to be in day after day.  I daydream of having a huge studio one day... but for now, this 10x10 room will do.  Actually, this is MASSIVE compared to the space I had in my rent house just 2 years ago.   

There isn't any furniture in this room that is store bought.  It is all old stuff that came from my parents house, so it's very sentimental and homey...  I'm slowly trying to get rid of all of my plastic boxes and just use old wooden boxes and muffin tins for my supply storage.  I have my eye on a huge antique stamp drawer I spotted at our local antique mall.  I'm hoping its still there next time I get paid from our local shops that carry my jewelry.  It's only $25 which is actually a steal, but we are being super careful with our $$ right now b/c things are tight to say the least.  I'm also using several of my mom's vintage mixing bowls for storage as well.  I love the pops of teal mixed in with all the wood.  The awesome orange velvet chair was a $10 thrift store find!!!  It is such a rad chair.  A little wonky, but I still love using it.   That cool wooden peg hanger that I have all of my necklaces hanging on was a .50 cent thrift find!!!  What!  I just love little gems like that.  The beautiful wooden scroll mirror is a piece my dad made.  One of his earliest pieces actually from his lifetime of being a woodworker.  I'm so honored to have it hanging in my space.

I believe making your creative space an inspiring place to be in is so important.  At least for me it is.  Being a full time designer, alot of time is spent in this space, so having it be a place that I want to be in is key.  Do you have a studio space that you feel at home in?  I would love to see it if so, send me a link! 




Every summer we get inspired to re-vamp our porch area, and this is just what we did the past two evenings.  Ive been wanting to hang up lights on our porch since we moved in, and we finally did!  This area had become so stale to me that I didn't even really want to spend time there.  I realized the other day that it just needed some sprucing up to give it new energy, and it did.  It once again feels like a welcoming loungey area that I want to spend my time in.  Now I just really need to get some fresh dirt to re-pot some plants. 

If you follow me on instagram you can see some video footage of it!  I love that they introduced video.  Although, its just one more thing to suck my time... but I love it!   

I have been adding lots of new things to the shop, and more to come throughout the week.  And in case you missed it, there is a new giveaway up with Mountain Girl clothing!  I try to post my giveaways on mondays, but I was off this week from the sweet baby that was born!!  Good enough reason for me.  I miss him so much.  Its only been a few days since Ive seen him.  Ill see him at his brothers birthday party tomorrow though!  AND I get to see my nanna, brother and nephew.  Excited.


This is my first phone video, with images from around my home. Song is Overcome with Light by the Bowerbirds.

Today I created my first video with my phone!  I really really want a dslr I can make real videos with... one day... its a dream Ive had for a long time.  I want to make videos of so many things... so today, Im starting small, with what I can.  This was kind of a practice video just to learn how to do it.  Its of random things around my home.  I hope you enjoy!  I also just created a vimeo account, so Im guessing you can follow me there.  (I'm not to hip on it all just yet).  xo