Blue Moon

So, last night we had a BLUE MOON, which only happens every 2 1/2 years, and wont fall on new years eve again for more than 20 years...

...hence the saying 'once in a blue moon'...

Now is the time to reflect on what you want for your life over the next two years. Make some amazing life goals and go at them with positivity and love.

These next two photos explain my personal transition I am dreaming for:

LESS of this:
And MORE of this:
I made this Blue Moon ritual circle, which was suppose to be burned last night, however I chose to keep, so I could reflect on it throughout the year ahead.

Outside the circle includes all of the thoughts I would like to let go of.
Inside the circle are all of the things I want to focus on this coming year.
Appreciate the good times...
But dont take the worst for granted...
Cause you only get so many second chances.

~The Ataris

Since my aunt taught me the basic chains of crocheting on christmas, I have completed my first two things!

This one turned out too small, it still goes around my neck, but needs to be longer. I thought it was pretty cute though :)

These are the only 3 colors I have right now...

And I have been saving this button for something special, so I think my first crochet piece is special enough :)
I love the way this one turned out, I had fun with the orange scalloped edges.
As you can see, I started on the left side and as I went along my stitches became nicer and tighter over on the right side.
On this scarf, I just kept making the stitches up and went with it.

I wore my teal scarf that Renea made me last night and I got sooooooo many compliments on it! Everyone adored it!


And I actually got my butt out of the house last night for a bit!
I went to see Renea at the wine bar, which made me realize just how long its been since Ive been in there. I had 1/2 a glass of wine.

Then I went with my Dad to some friends house, and had the other half of the glass :)
We stood out by a campfire under the bright Blue Moon.
James came over after getting out of work, so he enjoyed the fire for a bit too.

Then we went home and made French Toast :)
We were watching the stupid New Years stuff on TV, (I hate that crap), but James wanted to, said he used to all the time at his parents house...but it was so boring, I talked him into stepping out into the yard for a kiss under the moon at midnight.
It was cold, and he hates the cold, so it was a shivered super quick kiss with a jolt back inside for him! I could of layed outside forever, it felt great!

Then we watched more Criminal Minds and then off to bed around 1.

A good blend of socializing and comfy home life, perfect.

Now, to the start of something great!



Its a random kind of day...

I am feeling very random at the moment. Probably a good thing I am blogging straight from Picassa, it only allows me four photos, or there would probably be a whole slew of things on this post!

This is the wreath I made for my front door. The lovely brooch on top was a gift from the lovely Missy Sue

The peacock is from my halloween costume, click here to see my outfit!

I want to make all of these! so cute! I love the elephants ears :)

This dress is in my etsy shop. Its the first of its kind that I have made. All hand-stitched. I almost hate to part with it, but it needs a loving appreciative owner!

click here to see it in the shop

Dont forget about the 2010 Violet Bella calendar!!!

click here


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