Goal Share - whole foods

One of my goals this year was to get back to eating healthy. Something I was very fond of just over a year ago, and have stopped caring about since being so involved in my business. Well, its taken me this long into the year to do it, but Im doing it. On our way back from Louisiana, we grocery shopped at Whole Foods. We dont usually b/c its pretty far away, over an hour from our house. But we enjoyed it so much, and it was so inspiring to come home and eat better, that we have decided to start shopping there more regularly.

We used to shop at Sun Harvest, a smaller healthier grocery store, but they dont carry some of the things I like to get. Only whole foods does. I feel like the extra drive and a few more pennies per item are worth my excitement about getting back to it. I need this. My body is telling me so.

So, one way to make your normal boring grocery trip exciting, is to take your camera along! On our way out we got yummy fresh fruit smoothies, which curved our hunger until dinner! Yay for whole foods!

And of course, I wore my favorite PPP shirt since there was a bit of a breeze in the air :)

Do you have any favorite whole food recipes you want to share? Leave it in the comments, Im sure everyone who reads would love to get some new ideas!


4 Simple Goals

First of all, I just wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who is entering the giveaway on my previous post! I am loving all of the feedback and getting to know where you guys found Violet Bella and why you stay! I am so happy I asked that. And I know there if free stuff involved, which is why there are so many comments... but I am loving the interactiveness of that post, so I may direct some more of my blog posts towards getting to know all of you a bit better!!! (that is if you will still comment without free stuff being given away, he he)

I have decided to partake in Elsie's 4 Simple Goals! I think this is a wonderful idea for just a nudge of motivation for all of us! Here are my 4 goals.

(none of the photos in this post are mine, but you can click on the links below each photo to see the awesome artist behind them, links are from weheartit, so they may not be original source)

*this photo is by one of my favorite photographers, Squidart*

1. to blog more regularly and stay a bit more connected with my little blog world. for too long now i have not because i feel like i dont have the time, but my nanna reminded me that this is a happy part of my day... a time to express myself... and i know she likes to get on the computer everyday and check to see if i blogged, so i know the more i post, the more smiles i will put on her face :) and i would like to make more posts about things i like and why i like them. just random little things in my heart. i think this will allow all of you to get to know me in different ways, and if you all respond, i can get to know you in those ways too!

2. to hoop more often. or maybe even every single day. or any other fun but active activities, like jump roping, belly dancing, yoga, etc. i spend soooooo much of my day either at the computer, at my jewelry making desk, at my sewing machine, etc... and it really starts to wear me down sitting all the time, not to mention adding a few pounds :) so i think this goal will be fun, productive and motivating. allowing myself time in each day to take care of myself in this way, i think will help me in all other areas of my life as well...

3. to have more tent parties and date nights. james and i were having regular tent parties for a while, but it has been a while. and its been forever since we have actually gone on a 'date'... not a night in town that includes grocery shopping and picking up pet food, ha ha. i want to take more time to actually get dressed up and go out, just the two of us, and do something that doesnt involve business or grocery shopping! Plus, i need a good excuse to dress up sometimes, i am usually in my pjs!

4. to work just a little bit each day on some of my new goals for my business. i have two big projects i am brewing up behind the scenes and have not had any time to work on either of them. so i think by making a tiny bit of time for them on a regular basis i will be getting somewhere with them. sometimes when i feel like i have to sit down to a big project, i feel i must get it all done then... and so it seems a bit intimidating and overwhelming and then it never gets done, ha ha! so baby steps here...

what are some of your goals if you participated in this challenge? i would love to know!!!
