Gifts of Love...

Once again, Im so happy to say what wonderful friends I have made through doing what I love.  Leah of Sookie Says (one of my current sponsors) sent me the sweetest gift just because.  Well, really the note said as a congrats on getting our house!  Super fun to get a house warming gift that is for me, he he.  Thank Leah!!!  I adore it so much.  Not only is this girl beautiful & sweet, she is alot like me when it comes to details, just look at her packaging, adorable!  She currently only sells these on her facebook, but soon will have them up in her etsy shop as well.

Making friends along the way in this business has been one of the most rewarding things to me.  Its not just 'what' i create, but its 'who' it goes to.  I love knowing my work goes into some of the coolest homes around the globe.  YOU GUYS are what makes the world of VIOLET BELLA go round!


Christmas Part 1

I just threw on my Joni Mitchell vinyl to sing to while I post this X mas blog!
Always reminds me of singing with my mom.
Perfect album for this time of year.

Joni Mitchell

go get it!

So, one more stocking and Im done! Yes, it is christmas eve! They have taken me forever to finish!
Two of my favorite ornaments. I made the sequin one in school, I must of been in about 2nd grade? The horse my mom painted, I just love it. Among so many others, every other ornament I have is my FAVORITE! They are all meaningful, mostly handmade, family ornaments. I wouldnt have it any other way!
It is so hard to get a good picture in my house of my tree, it is so dark in my house!
These adorable little yellow shoes are my 2009 ornament from Anthropologie. James started a tradition where I get to get one ornament from there every year! So, this is my second one! I love them so much. They were the first one I saw and said, this! This is the one I want!
Wow, my house turned Christmasy all of a sudden! James parents got us that funny santa claus! he has shades on and is holding an electric guitar, its suppose to be the guy from ZZ Top! Too funny! I put my christmas cards up on the dresser, Ive never done that before! And the presents doubled over the last day or so since I started wrapping them! There are only two store bought items down there!
Some details of James presents to me, I think its so cute when he takes the time to write me notes and draw pictures!
Look at this cute little sewing machine he drew! He is so excited to give me this present! He even wrapped it in some of my material from my craft room!
Today I am printing last minute calendar orders!

And I am about to attempt the Pumpkin Roll! Im kind of nervous!

I am one of the sponsers this month on FRECKLED NEST and she is having her monthly giveaway! So much good stuff this time, go check out her blog and enter the giveaway!

And dont forget to enter my GIVEAWAY if you havent already! I think I am going to end it on Christmas! I will present the winner most likely the next day!

I have so much to share, but I am going to break up all of this Christmas Craziness in a few blogs, so that is all for now!

Ill post later about some of the most amazing gifts that James and I exchanged last night!



Crafty Friends, Help!

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I just dont even know where to begin.

I am trying to make all of my Christmas presents this year, to save money, and in my heart its a tradition I would like to carry on. I think it gives more meaning, more value, more connection.

But my list seems never-ending, of people at least. But for some reason I am having the hardest time deciding what I actually want to make for each person. I thought I had it figured out, but I dont.

And the days are counting down.

I think my problem is that I want to do everything for everyone. Its so hard to stick to one simple thing for each person.

Do you feel this way?

What are some of the projects you guys are making for friends and family this holiday?

I could definately use some inspiration.

I would say what I have already made or planning to make, but I cant give any of my presents away or it may spoil a few surprises!

{the image above is a very old self portrait}


On a lighter note: we went grocery shopping yesterday, and just for buying my usual pasta, which was already on my list, I got a 32 oz tube of chocolate chip cookie dough for FREE!

I dont know if you know what size the 32 oz one is, but its the BIG one!

I wanted to break out in full blown happy dance soooo bad!

I plan on eating half of it raw and baking the other half, good idea?

James tells me I cant do that!

But I want to sooo bad!
