This morning I just wanted to share some photos of my boy.  After being married for 5+ years, I have shared that our marriage has had its ups and downs, trials, errors, etc... But it has also been filled with alot of love.  The kind of love you must closer into the small things to see through the ordinary.  As Im sure its the same way with many marriages.  When I look at the things he does for me, the ways he stands by my side, the way he learns to grow and open as I do, the way he cares for our animals, the way he takes a stand to take care of things he knows only hurts my heart, the way he wants me to be close to my friends and family, the way he cares for his own family, the way this 33 year old man still needs tender love and care from day to day to feel whole, the way he loves to learn about new things in the world, the way he cares for the less fortunate, the way he allows me to just be me even when he might think Im a bit crazy, the way he encourages me to take care of my well being, and so many other things... reminds me of why I love him.  He has grown so incredibly much since weve been together.  Looking back on the fear he held inside throughout our first two years, and visibly seeing it dissipate has been amazing to watch.  And in turn, watching my own fears lessen and turn into trust as well.  We all come into relationships with our pasts and baggage, and have to learn how to evolve side by side someone foreign, and its not always an easy task.  James and I are polar opposites in our natal birth charts.  And its very apparent in our day to day.  When I can take a step back and really look at how far we have come, and the things we have both learned from each other, I find it remarkable.  It's like taking two ingredients that sound like they would be absolutely horrific tasting in a dish together, and creating a magical meal that you can't even believe both of those ingredients were used.  Yep, kind of like that.  Like apples and bacon... he'd be the bacon ;)  And yeah, we look pretty darn cute together, eh?  I love you James.

p.s.  I love that he is wearing his Skyline Fever shirts in 6 out of 8 of these photos!

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These are all images from the day of our anniversary (saturday).  I had planned on getting some more pics of us together, like I do every year, for my reminiscing purposes, but that failed.  We spent the day in the city.  We planned to go to the plant nursery, but by the time we were done with the other stuff we put on our list since we were in town, we didn't make it.  I wont lie, it was not the best day, and there were even some tears involved.  Even after being married for 5 years, there will always be stuff that needs worked out.  We are both so very human, and still very much act like it.  So instead of your typical sweet lovey dovey day that everyone expects on their anniversary, we spent it working through some things.  It wasn't all bad.  We enjoyed a good part of the day, but I'm not going to sugar coat anything for the sake of what one might want to hear.  Luckily, we really celebrated our anniversary the night before, and that was a great night.  Ill share some images from then later.  And today we will be visiting the plant nursery along with James parents.  I miss them, so it will be perfect.

And this little guy.... oh my gosh I wanted to take him home.  We had to go to the pet store to pick up Nico's food, and I ALWAYS have to visit the dwarf hamsters while we are there.  I want one so bad.  But really, I want THIS one.  I can't stop looking at his little face on my phone.  Our biggest worry is having him with our cat Bella.  And Ive never had any type of hamster before, so Im not sure how they are.  But I want to find out!!!  Ahhhhh.....

When the sun was going down that night, we decided to go down to our river to go rock hunting.  I snapped a few pics along the way...

Those amazing earrings above are from Aquarian Soul.  I posted yesterday at the Bohemian Collective an Ally Sand's dream home... Im so in love with her space, you MUST go see!

 Ill be back later today (or tomorrow) with a giveaway from Sheinside

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A few weeks ago I had a reader ask me how James and I worked out having difference religious views within our marriage.  So I thought I would share a bit on it.  This is not going to be a post about a religious debate or anything like that, so please don't criticize us in the comments.  (I hate that I even have to write that, but people love to give their offensive opinions when it comes to things like this). This is a more personal post, on a subject few like to talk about.  But the way the question was brought to me, I thought it might help others out there who are in a relationship where you don't agree on this subject, b/c they say that this is one subject you MUST agree on before getting married or having kids...
 (this pic above was from the other night when we went to see The Atartis play)

James is a christian, but he believes its something that is very personal, and holds it close in his heart.  He doesn't believe you have to attend church to feel the presence of God.  He has a very simple, personal and long lasting relationship with his faith, and its a beautiful thing.  For me, I have tried several times in my life to feel a connection with this way of believing, and have always walked away feeling unsettled, and not peaceful in my own heart.  But have always known there is a higher spirit among us, and a deeper connection within my own soul to be found.  And the way I hear this and feel this is through nature.  I don't have a label to put on what I believe, and that is okay with me.  I don't have a need to feel like I belong to any certain group or way of thinking.  My journey with the spirit world is something that will continue to grow, expand, evolve in cycles for the rest of my life.  I try to keep my heart open for a deeper understanding each day.  

For James and I, we both believe that this is a personal choice, and will still feel this way when we have children.  We don't feel the need to push our own personal beliefs on each other, or on anyone else.  He has never told me that I needed to become a christian, and I have never told him anything likewise.  We just have a level of respect for each other, and choose not to allow religion or spirituality to become a war within our walls, which is sadly what so many people have let happen in this world.  

For our wedding, we wrote our own vows, with a little help from our officiant, who was a family friend.  We gave him a list of all of the important things we wanted stated in our ceremony, and he did the rest.  It was so beautifully written, I thought I would share it here.  It also encompasses our ideas of love and acceptance of each other through our personal changes.  We have had many hard times and struggles within our marriage, so being able to come back to these words every now and then is a wonderful reminder.

I have been asked if I have written our story anywhere, and I have here on the blog a few years back!  It was a four part post, you can see it here.  1 // 2 // 3 // 4.  There are even pics from our wedding there.

(there pics are all from our first year together... yep, I had blonde hair!)

our ceremony and vows... we got married at my parents house, after many laboring hours of creating a beautiful sacred garden area just for it...

"Today you stand in this oasis of beauty alive with the spirit of nature, and are surrounded by the presence of your dearest friends and family who are here to witness and participate in your marriage, as well as by the thoughts of those who cannot be here and would have greatly loved to share this experience with you.  You have chosen this place to be married at because you both have a deep connection with family and nature.  You both, as well as many others, have worked very hard since the engagement to make this spot a sacred place for your wedding.  Now forever, you will be able to feel the amount of love that was put here for you, and in return you have given Linda & Tim a beautiful addition to there home for years to come.

You have chosen to have this ceremony as a way to publicly declare and enact your union with each other.  You have expressed the wish to acknowledge, articulate, and share what you are experiencing together with everyone here, as they are all people with whom you also share love.  This is a time when you can create a magical and unforgettable celebration of your love, and re-affirm your purpose and intent to yourselves and each other as you bring forth the images and promises that will guide you in your commitment.

The basis for this commitment that you have made and are continuing is not only love, but friendship, freedom, open-hearted communion and expression, the shared heart, and compatible values and lifestyle.  In your union you can continue to be playful as companions and friends as you expand your knowledge of the meaning of relationship.  Your marriage can enable and support spiritual growth and discovery for both of you, and expand your capacity for love, intimacy, and joy.

You gave me a beautiful and inspiring list of the intentions you would like to fulfill in your marriage.  Recall these words and take them in as affirmations for the future:  to unfold the adventure of marriage, to love compassionately, to encourage each others dreams and live them, to celebrate our differences and cherish our similarities, to respect, honor and appreciate each other, to listen, respond, and understand, to be honest and equal, to have forgiveness and lovingkindness, to watch out for each other, to remind each other to 'slow down', to comfort each other, to learn and grow together through the hard times, and to enjoy the beauty and the wonders of the world together.

Take a moment to think about some of the personal details you have put into your wedding.  From choosing your closest friends to stand beside you, to the little trinkets you carry with your flowers that belonged to your grandmother and great-grandmother.  From your gorgeous handmade cake Shelley made for you, to the one of a kind dress that her mother made, and over 100 hand stitched cloth napkins from your Nanna.  You have had your hands on each design every step of the way, and have made all of the things that are usually just 'stuff' become personal and about family.  You will have many treasures to keep and pass on for years to come.  Let this be a foreshadowing of your relationship.  Allow yourselves to always pay this close of attention to detail when it comes to taking care of each other.  And let this also remind you of the importance of family and friends.

In a time when nothing is more certain than change, the commitment of two people to one another has become difficult and rare.  Yet, by its scarcity, the beauty and value of this exchange have only been enhanced.  You have made a list of ten things things that you love about each other.  Lets take the time to read these to each other before you state your vows."

(this i will keep private)

ours stated vows to each other:
"James, do you now choose Laura to be your life companion, to share your life openly with her, to speak truthfully and lovingly to her, to accept her full as she is and delight in who she is becoming, to respect her uniqueness, encourage her fulfillment, and compassionately support her through all the changes of your years together?"  (and vice versa)

(anyone who made it this far, thank you!)

I find it fitting that this post ended up being this week, b/c our 5 year anniversary is next saturday, on the autumn equinox.  We intentionally chose to be married on the equinox in honor of the change into our favorite season, and a new beginning.  We don't have any big plans this year since we are trying to save for a car, so it will be a low key one.  Maybe well just stay home and make a baby! 


Four years of bliss...

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary...and although the title of this post humorously says 'four years of bliss', its not far off.  In other words, I would not have it any other way, and what could be more blissful than that?  For any of you who are married, you know its not always a walk in the park.  Our marriage is no exception.  There have been so many ups and downs, trials and tribulations and what not.  But honestly all of those struggles we have endured have made us closer and stronger than we ever could have been without them.  I think finding the beauty in these lessons as you go along, and still loving each other through it all, is what really matters.  

Yesterday James walked in the door from work with these beautiful flowers in hand.  I always think its cute the flowers he picks.  He thinks really hard about what I would like.  He always picks flowers I never would have picked myself, but I always love them.  He knew I would love the deep plum color of these, and he was right!  I put them in the big vase we had as our centerpiece on our wedding table.  I only break out this vase on special occasions. 
 Last year on our anniversary I did 4 blog posts about the story of us.  You can view them here, here, here and here.

This morning we are just kind of lounging around... I made this pretty treasury a bit ago, wishing we were close enough to the beach to go enjoy a stroll.  I think we are going out to eat somewhere tonite, and I just might wear my new blue velvet dress.  
