
I got a wild hair today and decided to makeover my blog!  It's actually something I have wanted to do for so very long but just haven't found the time.  I thought about it most of the day yesterday and wasn't able to, so since today was saturday, I decided what better day to spend some lovin' on my site! 

I wanted to create an easier navigation.  For so long now I have had a very full navigation bar on top that had several pages that were outdated and some that never got updated.  They just kind of sat there.  It felt like a maze to get to where you wanted to go.  So now the Home Page should have everything you need in one space.  I made easy on the eye circle buttons for all the main content on the blog, social media and my other websites & shops. 

I also finally filled out my About Page!  It's just been a photo forever.  And now there is an easy Collab Page for anyone looking to collaborate with me, or to visit brands pages easily that I have featured.  I still need to add all the links to the brands shops, so that part will be coming soon.  I know old blog posts tend to get lost over time so this will be an easier way for you to find something that I have featured.

I changed my sidebar on the blog up a bit as well.  It just feels so good to have a fresh look here.  It's actually really inspiring me to get back to blogging more often. 

I will admit I didn't take very good care of myself today b/c I basically sat in my computer chair from 9 am to 9pm.  I did take one dance break though.  I danced to the first 10 songs of an Eileen Jewel cd.  And I did not falter from my new health goals with food!  Normally on days like this I would literally grab chips & salsa for lunch or eat pb&j's... I did eat a Kind bar for lunch today, but other than that I made sure I nurtured myself with food & lots of water/green tea.  Tomorrow I must not allow myself to sit so much, or my bum may be quite mad at me...

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the revamp!  Do you feel it's easier to navigate around the site?  I like to make things pretty, but I also want it to be super easy for my readers.