
I took these photos about 10 minutes after returning from staying the night at my Nanna's for her birthday.  It was such a joy to get to spend the night with her, celebrating her and being with her, and my other family.  I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.

Anytime we visit the city, whether its to see family or to go grocery shopping, I feel a sigh of relief in my body when I return home.  (Not at all from leaving the people that I love, but from the bustling of the city).  The traffic to get from here to there, the busyness of it all, the almost getting in an accident almost everytime your on the highway... By the time I get from point A to point B, my nerves are shot.  I literally feel wound up inside.  I'm not sure why I am so sensitive to it.  I'm sure most people are not like that.  Although James is too, and we are kind of like opposites. 

The first thing I did when I got home, was brew a pot of coffee, and take a walk outside on my very small piece of land that I live on.  We have a tiny little strip of trees next to our house that we get to call our own.  Luckily no houses are on the two lots next to us, so I get to pretend they are mine too, as long as no one is looking ;) 

I daydream of the day we have a home with at least 5 acres.  James and I both grew up in homes in the country with acres of land to roam around in.  I had 22 acres of wild growing woods, and James had several acres of creek bed, cliffs and woods.  We both yearn for that kind of space in our home.  This past year I have done a good share of daydreaming of our 'dream home'.  So far, all the ones Ive fallen in love with have sold.  But I am reminding myself that when we are ready to make the jump into that home, it will become available for us.  Its just waiting for us to be ready, b/c right now we are not.  This year, we are both determined to work hard, be very wise with our spending and saving, make good choices financially, and work step by step towards that dream of ours.  It won't magically happen.  Although, it will take some magic!  A good combo of Magic + Hard Work.  I have faith in both.  Working with spirit, and allowing spirit to work with you. 

For now I will fully enjoy and embrace our little piece of land, while still allowing myself to daydream for the future.