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31 week portrait.  (taken last week as I'm almost 32 weeks).  Last night I told James I didn't want to start decorating for the baby shower yet b/c it's still two weeks away.  Then this morning I woke up and what did I start doing?  Decorating for the baby shower.  Ha ha.  I set up the tables to see where I wanted them, brought out table cloths, sanded down mini wood pallets I'm going to use on the tables, hung up macrame in the window, put out the tea pitchers and filled up bowls with plastic silverware... And so it begins.  I'm really excited to have it in our home b/c half of our friends and family have never even been here.  And it will just feel so much more personal having everyone in our space, the space we will be bringing this little soul into.  Of course it's created alot more work for me, keeping my house clean, etc, but that is probably a really good thing!  I've been planting pretty flowers outside and making the backyard nice for everyone to enjoy.  It's been a really good motivator to get things done that I wanted to do before she arrives anyway.  I feel like the last 7 months I've been nesting.  I'm a natural nester anyways, so pretty much as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I've been rearranging my house to prepare.  Which I'll have to do all again when she gets big enough to crawl. 

I told James to surprise me with different flowers every monday or tuesday so I can use them in my belly portraits on wednesdays.  A great excuse to have some pretty flowers in the house for the next 8 weeks.  He picked out these gorgeous sunflowers last week.  This beautiful birdie top is from Pylo (but I think it's sold out) and the necklace is from Love + Leather.  It's been so fun to style these shoots that show my belly in full glory. 

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This was shot about two weeks ago when I was 29 weeks pregnant.  Right around the time I started feeling very, very... ripe.  It was wild to see how much I blossomed between my 23rd & 27th midwife appointments.  Little Ava just decided to start growing like crazy, also making me grow like crazy.  Within those weeks I could also feel her movements and kicks go from very specific areas of my belly to all over the place!  Rapid changes are happening.  I just keep reminding myself that all this extra weight will turn into beautiful breast milk for my little babe soon.  In just a short 6 weeks I will be in the clear to have a home birth!  6 weeks... that is so so soon!  The way the weeks have just been flying by.  It will be a release once we hit that mark though, just to know we will have that option that we so desire. 

I love this dress from Others Follow!!!  Another piece that will be great throughout my pregnancy and long long after.  I've been a paisley lover for as long as I can remember.  I really love the handkerchief style bottom of this dress.  It makes it flow so pretty when you walk. 

*see bottom of post for all artist tags*

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OUTFIT DETAILS: dress - others follow // hat - gypsy warrior // necklace - free to wander // turquoise bar cuff - star native //  cactus cuff - little hobo bird // rings - jennakoo + night gypsy 83


I'm still metaphorically crying that I didn't start these weekly portraits from the beginning... but last week I started documenting a weekly belly portrait.  This is my 30 weeks preggo belly!  I love my linea nigra... at this point I love everything about a pregnant belly.  Well see if I still feel that way in a month!  But up to this point, I LOVE my belly.  I'm going to miss it so much when it's gone.  The only part I don't love is the weight of it at night.  Sleeping in all positions is becoming a bit uncomfortable, even with a body pillow.  But it's not terrible yet, just uncomfortable.

Her movement is becoming increasingly strong with each day.  A few days ago I got to see her foot stretch across my belly for the first time.  It was so fascinating.  I wish James had seen it too.  I can feel her all the way from my ribs to my pelvis area, and she tends to hang out on the right side of my belly.  I rarely feel the movement over on the left side. 

These little mini roses are my favorite, and the peachy orange color are my absolute favorite.  I'm hoping they will have them available for my baby shower.  Something about just having a little vase of fresh flowers in my home makes my heart so happy.  I don't get them all that often, but when I do I just delight in them everyday.  And then I always dry them and keep them afterwards to continue loving them. I think I might treat myself to them a bit more often...