Roots & Feathers

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You Have A Choice, Now Choose

one day last week while bird sitting...

This is Yarrow. We were taking a shower and he decided to play on the ledge instead :)
Yarrow loves the drums, kisses and dancing to Sublime.

I woke up to my beautiful Bella by the window. Everyone should pay more attention from their cats, you could learn a thing or two...She doesnt take life so seriously, she loves family first, and she knows how to just 'be'...

lately i cant get enough of making photos like this. i am embracing the randomness and simplicity, instead of planning and seeking to make great art, just simple.

out for a walk with james in the hillcountry.

i so love this shot of james. it really reminds me of him, the essence of it.

we sat on the porch and played scrabble. it was a bit chilly, so i got a blanket, james had his cuddly jacket. and again, i beat him!!!

he decided to eat his letters, ahhhh!

basking in the glory of my mad spelling skills...

he still loves me :)
and i love this photo


remember to find the good when something in your life does not go the way you want it to. people fail, we get our hopes let down, things surprise you around every corner. but know that some failures may seem like just a failure, but it may be a blessing in disguise. we are here to help each other, to learn and to grow within ourselves. take a step back and look in the mirror. do you like what you see? honestly? do you? if not, take control. pray about it. do something about it. easier said than done, just know its a choice. we all have a choice, every moment of everyday. you dont know how many moments you have here, so make them matter. make them help someone else. live for something. i am talking to myself as well here, just know that. make it happen, whatever that may be to you. those dreams inside you that you push aside, what is stopping you really? im sure it is just yourself. your doubts, fears. stop blaming everyone and everything else in the world for not doing something. lets do it, lets create, play, sing like no one is listening, be yourself. learn to let go. thats a big one. and fall, fall again, just dont forget to dust yourself off, and get back up. would you tell your child to just give up?

think about it.
