Roots & Feathers

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Tent Party and Inspiration

First I must show off this beautiful cake my friend Shelley made! It is a chocolate esspresso chai cake! It was so yummy! It was her first try and it turned out so good!

We had a nice dinner at Fralo's pizza place. It was us, James parents and brother, James best friend and my best friend and her husband and baby.

James and his friend Joey made his mom laugh like Ive never seen her laugh, it was really precious.

I wish I had better photos, but it was dark.
We took a few silly pics of ourselves :)
James sorry scrabble hand!
Needless to say, again...I won!

There is a tee shirt on Threadless that has a scabble hand just like this, I must get it for James!
Here is our tent. We pulled the sheet up a bit for the photo.
It was definitely a make shift tent. We used his mike stand, my mannequin legs, my mannequin dress form and my tripod as our four posts! We had to borrow that sheet from Shelley!

Just so you know, we loved it so much, it is still up. We are going to watch our last episode of Criminal Minds tonite with some hot chocolate under it. I may have hot tea because of my throat! Then Ill take it down tomorrow.

But I do think we are going to try to do this once a month, it was so worth it to have the place a wreck for a day!
While James played a few games, I worked on my goals. Im not done, but my lists are quite long so far!
I got my new calendar in, I love it so much!
you can find it at:
I was reading some today and wanted to share.

Written by Melody Beattie

Remember to be Happy

Sometimes we get so bogged down in dealing with feelings, issues, problems -- the realities and details of our lives -- we forget to be happy. Often happiness can be ours if we just remember to be happy.
Joy is a choice -- a deliberate, concious choice. That choice is available to us each day. Our joy isn't controlled by others or by outward circumstances. Joy comes from a deeper place, a place of security within ourselves. It's an attitude, not a transitory emotion.

Remember to be kind. Remember to be loving. Remember to feel all of your feelings and to take care of yourself. But most of all, remember to be happy.

Updates in my shops:
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Pumpkin and Petina Owl necklace
Silver wing earrings

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Winter is Coming
Southern December

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