Roots & Feathers

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After some thought, I have decided to take down the post on the copycat.  I spoke my mind, I received tons of comments that supported my views, but I still feel uneasy about it.  I dont want the negativity here on my space.  I think I acted more out of anger than anything.  This space here is my personal space, and Im choosing to wipe it clean of all of that negative feeling.  If I am really going to move on, then I need to let it go.  And I cant let it go with it staring me in the face everyday.  Maybe this is what the lesson of being the bigger person really means.  I cannot let this tear me apart anymore.  I already feel robbed of so many moments of happiness the past few weeks because of this, and it is because I personally allowed it to.  It really is up to me to make the change in my own heart.  I cant change the situation, only the way I react to it.  With a little help from my friends, I am learning this.  Thank you to everyone who has been by my side through this whole thing.  I am walking away and giving it to god.
