Roots & Feathers

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Reconnecting >>>

Funny how being gone from my blog for only two days now seems like forever. This week has brought some pretty amazing things into my life. The day before yesterday we had an old friend visit us.  She was James girlfriend all through high school, and neither of us have really talked with her since school, almost 12 years now!  Its something I think we were all a bit apprehensive about, but at the same time really wanted to reconnect.  She was always someone I felt like I was connected to on a soul level, but being adolescent and hormonal, things got in the way of us ever really becoming good friends.  She came over for a little visit and ended up staying until 9:30 that night!  It was awesome.  We just talked and talked and talked... and re-realized how much we really are alike.  It was pretty amazing.  I can only hope its the beginning of a new beautiful friendship.  She is now in Austin which is only 2 hours away, so Im thinking it will be!  It was very cute to watch her and James interact as well.  He had this goofy grin he couldn't wipe off his face.  I love that we are all adults now and can look back on the past and laugh, and not be weird or jealous.  It feels super grown up.  It also makes for a deeper connection having those roots.  Im just absolutely giddy about it all.  And in a weird way, it has made me feel so much closer to James too.  Something we did together with nerves and courage, and came through with a new sense of understanding of life and relationships.  For the past two days all I have wanted to do is snuggle up under his arms and be crazy close.  

<<< these are just random photos from the week >>>
I got new glasses and they are wayyyyyy bigger than I thought they would be.  Still trying to decide if I love them or hate them.

Miss Violet hung out in the mud yesterday.  She insists on being outside even if its wet out.  When we brought her in last night she was COVERED in mud.  It was crazy!  I had to just pick her up and carry her straight to the bathtub.  And she got a little teeth brushin' while she was in there.  Im loving this rain, but it sure does a number on my dog!

Ive been posting new things in Roots and Feathers as I can, and will be more throughout the day.  I finally listed a few of the things from the sneak peek photos from earlier.  Go check out the shop!
