Roots & Feathers

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Tent Party >>>

We finally made our first tent party in our new house!  It officially feels like home now.  We used to make one about once a month in the old house, so this was longggg over due.  James left for a while the other day and joking said to have dinner done when he got home by candlelight.  He said it all demandingly, it was cute.  (and totally a joke)  So as soon as he left I started throwing together a tent party.  Its been up for three days, and James is currently laying under it watching Psych.  He came home early from work today b/c he was not feeling good at all.  There is a bug going around his work.  And now Im starting to feel like I may be getting sick.  Not good timing!  Im really hoping I can ward it off.

And guess who I found hanging out together under the tent???  Isnt that so cute!!!  I walked by to go to the bedroom and noticed them.  I love these moments. 
