My week. Let's back up all the way to last saturday. I went out with my bestie for a date night to watch some local music... We had a great time, but little did I know that somewhere in that building was a little bug called influenza waiting to pounce on me. At least I believe the culprit was residing there according to my timeline.
Then monday, after yoga, I started to feel a little tickle in my throat that lasted all day. Just a tiny one. We went that night out to our friends house and by the time we left, I knew I was sick. I thought at first it was major allergies from being out in the hills... but oh no!!! By the time I woke up the next morning, full on flu. And a high fever for the next few days, and you know you, all that goes along with that. So.... there was a whole lot of this below for the whole rest of the week.
Then a few days later, James started to get it too... so just as I was coming out of my fever break, he was going into his and I needed to take care of him too. It's been about 5 years since Ive had the flu, so I had conveniently forgotten how rough it is. I'm sooooo happy we are both coming out of it. I still feel exhausted and I'm having a hard time finding my energy, and still have a bit of a soar throat... but this I can handle. And I'm so happy that we did not have to go to the doctor, and I fought the whole thing naturally. It's kind of weird though to wake up one day and realize youve spent an entire week in bed.
And FINALLY!!! I have the winners for the past two giveaways... Thanks for your patience!
The winner of Catina Jane Art's giveaway is RACHEL AWES!!!
The winner of the Flying Tomato giveaway is ELIZA KASZTNER!!!
Ill be emailing you ladies soon, congrats!!!!

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