Roots & Feathers

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Every day we drive by this river on our way to the post office and the past few weeks I have whined everytime we do b/c the leaves are so beautiful and I want to be taking pictures down there.  We finally took advantage of it and snapped a few pics together before the leaves are all gone.  Two weeks ago they were a billion times brighter than they are here... I need to plan better next year. (I say that every year).  I have been drooling over the trees this season and was really hoping they would still be lingering around for my lookbook shoot this week, but alas, we had a freeze and most of the leaves are now gone.

LOVE OUR SHIRTS???  They are from the lovely folks at Hooked Productions.  They are all handmade in the USA and are sustainable bamboo and organic cotton.  Read more about the love they pour into their production here.  These are the comfiest shirts!  Mine is going to be my go to yoga shirt throughout the cold season.  They not only have clothing but fun stickers, hats, jewelry and more!  Check them out!