Roots & Feathers

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This was my sacred space for the month of February.  There is something I like about sharing these right after I tear them down.  A bit of a reflection period for what transpired the month before compared to what I am now manifesting in my new space.  This past month has almost felt too intense to dive into publicly.  But attending my first counseling session on wednesday was a huge step for me.  Im looking forward to the process of it.  I have no idea what will come of it, but I expect it to be good and healing in many ways.  ​

The past two days have brought in alot of magic and newness, acceptance and release, and overall a feeling of optimism for the future.  Not that my present is bad by any means, but there is so much yet to be uncovered in these bones of mine, and I feel like I am finally able to start the process of peeling the layers back in a very honest way.  ​