Roots & Feathers

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This month is James and I's 6 year anniversary, on the 22nd, the Autumn Equinox.  We will be taking a mini vacation for the first time for our anniversary since we've been married, minus our two year late honeymoon stay we took (30 minutes away from our house).  Ha ha.  We usually just go get pizza at our favorite pizza joint every year.  So this year, I'm pretty stoked!   

We are having a week long sale to raise a bit of funds for our trip.  Our one car decided to break down on us this week (of course) , so we are needing to fix it up before we hit the road.  I really want to take a little trip without being stressed about finances the whole time, how fun would that be?  So, b/c of this, you get a deal!  I'm going to try to add new things to the shop throughout the week as well!  Enjoy the sale, and thank you in advance!

Use the code 'septlove' to get 30% off your entire order in any of our shops.  If you buy from more than one of our shops we will combine your shipping and refund you.  Please enter the code at checkout in the discount box, not in the notes to seller.  You should see your discount before you pay for it to work!