Roots & Feathers

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outfit details:  shirt - my hubbies // shorts - ae // boots - lulu* // hat - f21 // necklace - roots & feathers (coming soon) // snake cuff - gypsies caravan // turquoise ring - soliloquy jewelry

Like my skeleton photo bombing?  ha ha!  We decided to leave him on our front porch year round.  Our fedex guy probably thinks we are cooks.  James always puts him in different spots and in different positions.  The other day he even got adorned with a feather in his... um, skull.  He occasionally rides on an iron chihuahua also, lol. 

A few weeks ago when we started cleaning out our garage I found a bunch of my dad's old shirts and some of James old shirts he no longer wears.  I pulled a few of my favorites out and cut them up so I could wear them as girly tees.  This waterloo is one of my favs.  James used to wear it all the time when we were dating.  And like I needed another hat.... but I could not pass up this perfect shade of hunter green hat from f21.  Its official, I have a hat problem.

Most of these were snapped when we popped out to my parents house the other day.  Things are blooming and its looking so pretty over there.  Which only makes it harder to let it go... *sigh*

An another note, lets talk about this amazing snake cuff by Gypsies Caravan.  My sweet soul friend surprised me with this baby and I'm over the moon in love.  The timing could not be more perfect since snake has been coming up for me in dreams, photos, convos, everywhere.  Snake medicine has come to me before and its always been during very transformational times.  I know this time is no different.  And this cuff, is just amazingly beautiful.