Roots & Feathers

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You have crossed a sacred portal into a kind of embodied sensuality that awakens you to a lush, abundant life where you will taste, laugh, feel and freely explore the deep, wet river of your feminine wild. ”—The Wild Mystics, Blushing Wild

I am as unlikely a woman as there ever was to write about sexuality.

I grew up in a conservative, Biblical-fundamentalist Christian home. As the oldest of 11 children and well-versed in the fruitful ways of family and farm life, what I knew about sex was what I needed to know: how to make babies. That my body belonged to my husband, that my delights were for him alone and that in his sexual enjoyment of me, I would find sexual joy.

I entered marriage at 22, a virgin, shy but eager to embrace my new identity as a wife with a husband to care for and sexuality to explore within the safe boundaries of wedlock. I had only faint clues about what to expect; the little I knew was that newly-married men usually wanted sex everyday, that sex was this magical delicious thing that waiting until marriage somehow blessed with extra-ordinary bliss, and that I was to expect something enchanting and mysterious called an orgasm. 

My new husband did not want sex everyday.

Sex was not magical, delicious or blissful.

In fact, for a very long time it hurt.

I did not have an orgasm.

And in the 12 years since, I’ve not made a baby.

(Above excerpt taken from the upcoming eCourse Blushing Wild—A Sultry Embrace of Erotic Awakening,


As a self-proclaimed mystic I have long-embraced the non-dualism of a both-and approach to life … the necessary cycles of life-death-life, the paradoxes of mystery and knowledge, dark and light, pleasure and pain. Spirituality and sensuality, however, have taken longer to embrace as a whole, perhaps because for so long my approach to life was a denial of the self and rejection of the flesh. And even though I knew that sexual pleasure was good, it still reigned below the superiority of spiritual pursuits.

And yet as I fleshed out my spirituality in the dark shadowlands of my soul, it came as no surprise when the topic of sexuality arose. “I’m questioning everything,” I said to my Wild Mystic co-creator Mandy. “I expected things of a spiritual nature but I had no idea that my sexuality would come up, too. I don’t know what to think about this.” 

“The dark has always been sexual for me,” she said. “Deeply sexual.” 

“What if we did an eCourse on this erotic sensuality? Because, um, we need to talk about this. And if it’s coming up for us, it has to be for others, too.” 

She did not hesitate. “I think we have to.” 

Blushing Wild is born out of our own need to incarnate a desperately-wanted conversation. We’ve always created the very thing we most need to find, and a sultry embrace of erotic awakening is one of them. This six-week eCourse features steamy reading and creative journaling assignments as we explore our psyches and ourSelves through soulwork and chakras, erotic poetry and succulent rituals, meaningful movement and provocative stories. Our very first launch begins August 24th and if you need this embodied experience in your life, if this is a conversation you’re craving or a journey your heart desires, we invite you to join us as we explore the deep, wet river of our feminine wild. Come with us? 

Read more and register at All who register will be entered to win one of two original canvas artworks by Mandy Steward of Messy Canvas. 

Please note: we are not licensed professional counselors or sexual therapists. Please speak to a mental health professional before embarking on this sojourn. 

Hillary Rain is a wild mystic who writes about spirituality, sensuality, and embodiment of the soul at