
There are TWO awesome Roots and Feathers giveaways going on right now!  One is over on my love Rain's blog, The Sacred Life of Rain.  You get a chance to win this wall hanging above, which happens to be one of my favorite of the sea inspired ones.  And the other is over on Laura Emily's blog, you get a chance to win a custom mini prayer flag.  This one is only open for 2 days, so go enter fast!!  (there is another amazing giveaway from Gypsy Moth Sol going on over at Laura Em's blog too!)


This workshop launches on the New Moon in March 11th, since Spring is the season of growth and expansion and love, of course !

My workshop is unique that it draws not only the wisdom of the Love Goddess, but also the wisdom of the Moon; the symbol of Goddess and feminine essence. The workshop is 4 weeks long, following the Lunar rhythms from New Moon, Waxing, Full Moon, and Waning.

For four weeks you will receive:

~3-4 emails in your inbox per week focusing on each of the Lunar phases and how to work with the Goddess through each phase
~Goddess lore
~Lunar wisdom
~meeting your Inner Love Goddess
~rituals to manifest love
~journaling prompts
~love recipes
~a complete e-book at the end to use whenever you want
~Private FB group for a loving community of support

We have all heard of Aphrodite. She is the famous love Goddess from the Greek pantheon known for her passionate love affairs, beauty, and attraction. Her Roman counterpart is Venus. And please note, I will use both her names interchangeably throughout this course, but feel free to stick with one that resonates with you more. In all honesty, for a long time, I did not like her. Something about her ‘rubbed’ me the wrong way and I could not figure it out! When I finally found the source of my agitation I gained a new perspective of Venus and myself:
I was annoyed with the fact that she embodies her sensuality and sexuality with no shame or guilt; she accepts her body and whole being apologizing to no one.
I saw everything I wanted that I thought I couldn't obtain in myself.  It made me wonder where my love –goddess within me dwells and where she is hiding out. And so my relationship with Aphrodite began. Like any relationship, it has its ups and downs, but I am now experiencing healing in ways I may not have found otherwise. I can now say I love Aphrodite unconditionally, and in turn, love myself more too.

In this course, I share with you the rituals, exercises, and meditations I personally use to connect with Venus and my inner-love Goddess.
My name is Marissa and I blog over at Moondaughter. The heart of my wisdom comes from my love for the Moon and my experience working with Her energies. The Moon is linked closely to our hormones, energy levels, emotions, and our spirit. It affects all the water of the world, so how could She not affect us? The Moon also symbolizes feminine essence and Goddess energy of the universe. Following the Moon I have found working with Goddess energy helps connect me more to my inner sage woman. I wish to help  women reconnect with theirs as well.  
I am offering 20% off to Laura's readers if you feel called to join me in this workshop in March. use the code: Roots20 at check out!


Marissa is giving away a FREE spot in this ecourse!

leave a comment telling us one thing you love about yourself
follow the Moondaughter blog
follow Moondaughter on facebook // twitter // instagram
share this giveaway on your fb // twitter // pinterest

Also today, I will be sharing a little love alter I made over at Moondaughter's blog!  So check back on her blog to see some pretty pictures of my space.



So, remember this beautiful planner I showed you guys a while back???  Well now you have a chance to create your own planner, with your own photos, for free! 


is giving one of my readers a $25 gift certificate towards making your own planner!  Eeeekkk!  

To Enter:

Leave a comment below letting me know what kind of planner you would make!

Extra Entries:

Share this via twitter // facebook // blog // pinterest // instagram

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For James birthday I surprised him with this cute little date coupon book from Datevitation.  I chose 5 different dates he could redeem at anytime.  It was so fun browsing through their site to pick out the dates b/c they have over 200 to choose from!  And some of them are pretty hilarious!  They even have an entire 'adult section'.  I decided to stick with just a few so it wasn't overwhelming, and pick ones I knew we would both really enjoy.  You can see my selections below...

You can personalize the first page to say anything you want... along with the descriptions next to each date photo.  The little drawings are cute and silly.  And there is a tear off spot on the end of each coupon to fill in the date it was redeemed!  One other very cool thing about the site is that it can be for anyone.  You have the option to have it be boy & girl, girl & girl, or boy & boy.  So it can also be used for same sex couples or friends!  I love it!  And the best part is its a family run company by a husband and wife duo, Alex and Olga. Oh, and it came in a gift box, ready for giving, bonus!

I'm excited to announce that Datevitation is giving one of my readers a FREE love coupon book!  You get to create your own customized book for whomever you want with 5 date coupons.   AND through January all of my readers get $10 off their first book with code VIOLET, just in time for Valentine's day!!!

To Enter: follow datevitation on facebook  // follow via twitter  //  visit datevitations library of coupons and tell me your favorite one  //  share this on your fb - twitter - pinterest - instagram

Fine Print from Datevitation: winner will be chosen using and will receive a promo code.  winner will pay $3.50 shipping and tax will be applied to california orders.  books ship to US ONLY.

Please leave a comment for each below. 

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