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The past two months I have been renovating my studio space from the ground up.  It's one of the most exciting redo's to a room Ive ever done, and if you have followed me for a while, you know I rearrange and redecorate alot!  Here are a few sneak peeks while I put the final touches on before sharing the whole room.  I finally really feel at home in my studio and actually enjoy every moment spent in it.  I decluttered so much from all my jewelry designing, and now it's primarily my magazine creating space, but with all my jewelry supplies tucked away for easy access.  It's a dream come true space and I can't wait to share the whole thing!!!

Follow my instagram @lauramazurek and the hashtag #laurasstudiomakeover to see more sneak peeks.



I recently decided to relocate my teepee from my front yard to my back yard.  I realized I never used it in my front yard, b/c I simply don't like hanging out there where the cars drive by.  I'm not sure why it took me so damn long to figure this out, but I'm so glad I did.  I have spent just about every spare moment I have since it's been up, in it.  I'm kind of sad its raining today just b/c I want to be out in it. 

It's funny b/c James and I started working on building it 3 days in a row and each time we failed at getting the main structure stable.  I kept getting frustrated and just stopping.  Finally, the 4th attempt worked.  Ive built two other ones and never had any issues.  I guess it was all about right timing.  It finally started coming together, and its my favorite one Ive made so far.  Ive outfitted it with my crystals, favorite sticks Ive collected over the years, and other trinkets. 


We've spent lots of time in it reading, hanging out with Bella & Violet, giving them massages, gazing at the full moon through the branches, listening to the birds, listening to music, watch the clouds, doing crafts, just laying there, drinking whiskey.  Ha ha.  Like I said, Ive spent every free moment the past several days in it. 


I adorned my outside space with all the scraps Ive cut off all the bell bottoms that are too long for me.  Which is just about all of them.  Ive been saving the scraps forever for just the right project.  This area is slowly coming together.  Two friends gave me some rad old windows that I'm still figuring out just where I'm going to keep them. 


Lots of reading the Bohemian Collective Magazine has happened in it too!  ha ha.  While I was making the bell bottoms garland above I heard some ruckus in the trees behind me, and turned to see an OWL flying from branch to branch.  I watched it dart to the ground twice to catch something, although I don't think he got what he was going after.  I have never seen an owl in the wild before.  Only heard them in the night.  My jaw was hanging wide open.  I took the risk of running inside to grab my binoculars to get a better look and I'm so glad I did.  He stayed on the same branch while I ran inside, otherwise I probably wouldn't of been able to spot him again b/c he blended in so well in the trees.  It was the most magnificent thing Ive ever seen.  I got watch up close all its crazy head movements.  There were a few times it heard me moving and put its eyes right on me.  I got to watch it for about half an hour! 

This happened on the day of the Full Moon in Scorpio, which is just so appropriate, with owl having ties to the moon and to scorpio energy.  Such great messages came through this beautiful witness.  Leading up to this day, my week was a wreck.  We had a really big emotional decision to make about my parents house, and I had to let some people that I really love down, and it hurt my heart so much to come to terms with this choice.  I found myself at a crossroads recently.  I thought it was just a crossroads with my parents house and what to do with it, but I realized it was a metaphor for the crossroads of my life.  I was at the cross roads of continuing to live in the past, or to let go in a big way and move on ahead to my future.  It was a painful decision, but I chose my future.  I'm ready.  I'm ready to move on.  To let go with ties keeping me bound to my parents house.  Let a stranger move in and walk away.  Allow this to be a big blessing in my life to dream of things I may never otherwise be able to attain. 

It was the first time since I can remember feeling like I made a choice that defined my life, and myself as well.  In what I was capable of.  Emotionally.  I felt an weight lift, and a shift in my heart.  Something was very tangled in that choice.  And we still have so much go through before the house is actually sold and gone, but I felt like I took the first step on the beginning of a new path, and good god it feels amazing. 

After the Owl visited me, we went to town and a turkey flew across the road right in front of our car.  Owl & Turkey have been two of my messengers for quite some time, and this full moon, they made themselves very up close and in  my face in brand new ways, and I couldn't be more thankful for them.  Sometimes I really believe my parents speak to me from beyond the dead through the animal world. 


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A few items worth linking: macrame hanging on door - prettykookyshop // mini crescent moon macrame - supervixen // kilim pillow - world wide textiles // brown + white weaving - wool & wood co // fringed crochet shawl in doorway - white rose co // bedspread - anenchantedlife

If you follow me on instagram you probably have noticed alot of home photos lately.  Ive been very focused on my nest lately.  Partly out of excitement for something coming up, but also I find myself going through natural ebbs and flows of being really into my space.  Right now, I am just really into home.  I can be a very big home body, and I don't mean that lightly.  You could even say, Hermit.  This winter season has brought on that part of myself.  I'm so ready for the sun to come out and to get outside and play, but lately while the weather has been cold and rainy, I just want to stay home, nest, sit by the fire, drink coffee and basically just be.  Could be part of the retrograde period we are in too, seeping in an extra dose of slow motion and rewind.  The past few days especially, between retrograde, the full moon + my moontime, my body has been requesting to just do absolutely nothing of importance.  Which is not a bad thing.  It's been a good opportunity to take to just be.  We all need that, cyclically, to recharge.  Right now my battery is sputtering out and in need of a good recharge.  It can be easy to confuse these times with being lazy, or un-accomplished, or whatever label you want to put on it, when you pretty much always have a to-do list.  But if you can just set those thoughts aside and go with it, you will feel so much better and re-energized within a few days time. 

I'm in an interesting place with 'home' right now.  I am a constant re-arranger.  I love decorating, and re-decorating, and you can find me doing something to our home almost every day of my life.  That is how much I love it.  Our home is really feeling magical, and is so full of beauty, and old things, and sentimental things, and things that make me happy.  I feel truly blessed to call this place home.  And at the same time, I can't stop thinking about our future home.  James and I have talked alot about moving to a new home in the future, and we both have it on our hearts lately.  So even though I'm happily nesting away everyday here, I'm also in la la dream land over a new place.  I can't explain why.  Something in my heart is just pulling me, and has been for some time, to make a move.  It's like we both know this is not where we want to live for the rest of our lives, or where we want to raise our future kiddos forever, etc.  Maybe with my word being Root this year, part of the call is to find the place I really want to put down real roots. 

We are not in a rush.  We will be patiently waiting for the right timing, the right home, the big YES.  We will know it when it comes along.  It feels so good to have the same dreams, goals and visions with your husband.  I think we are more on the same page this year than we ever have been and its such a good feeling.