Sacred Space >>>

This post is all about sacred space.  You might have noticed that the blog has a new look on the sidebars.  I wanted to simplify things a bit, and make it a little easier to find all of my links.  I really go back and forth with the simplicity thing.  I see alot of blog spaces that I truly love that are very clean, simple, white.  But anytime I think I want to do something like that with my own blog, my heart does not feel light about it.  Ive come to realize, its just not who I am, and I want this space to always reflect who I am.  There is so much talk going around the blog sphere about how your blog 'should' be.  I feel like that takes away from all of our individual ideas of beauty, and reflections of ourselves.  Id much rather my blog feel like a reflection of me, than a reflection of someone else's idea of pretty.  So anyway... yet again, I revamped my blog.  I tend to do this every so often.  There are still a few adjustments I would love to make, that Im still not certain how to do.  I learn as I go, and I dont know alot about design... So baby steps.  I dont like how the side bars dont go all the way down the blog... Things like that.  But Ill figure it out one day... (my favorite part is the 'visit the shops' link... click on it, youll see why).

Now, about sacred space... (my blog is just one of my little sacred spaces I believe).  Our latest activity in Intuitive Heart Sanctuary was to create a Sacred Space in our home.  Even though I feel like I have done this alot as I have decorated our home, those spaces always get run over with daily stuff.  But, in essence, my entire house is my little sanctuary and sacred space.  I really wanted to join in on this activity though, and have focused attention in one space, and Im so glad I did.

I chose my favorite window in the house.  I was a bit resistant, b/c this is the spot I use for alot of my outfit posts and creative photography... But then I quickly realized how in vein that idea was, and decided to use this space for my new spot of attention.  I first put on Joni Mitchell's Blue album to listen to as I created this space to give myself a sense of peace and focus on what I was doing.  That album instantly makes me feel connected to my mother's spirit, and to happy times.  I then cleared and cleansed the space.

The flag I made for our home had yet to feel like it found its space.  As soon as I started gathering things for this space, I knew right away it had found its home.  I hung my feathered arm band from my sweet friend Alana as a reminder of her brave spirit.  Then I spent some time finding just the right elements I wanted to keep in this space.  The little wooden statue was a gift from my friend Katelyn, and it is a fertility goddess.  I wanted it in my space to remind me of my journey I am working on emotionally with this issue. 

I added many little things that hold love for me.  Special stones that were sent to me from friends, sticks, seashells, rocks and mountain laurel seeds from my parents land.  Crystals that hold alot of meaning for me, including the one my mom held onto while she was leaving us, and the one my aunt gave me after that, one that she carried in her pocket for the better part of her life.  My moms little jadite buddha. Etc.

Then I added a few more elements, like this little blue vase my dad made, holding a huge beautiful feather, my incense holders, one gifted to me by my dear friend Rain, along with the best incense in the world.  The tapestry was also gifted to me, by my friend Staci, who always knows just what I love.  The wooden box that I used as a base, my dad made.  It used to be what we kept firewood in when I was growing up.  For the chair I kept near the space, to sit in and write, or look out the window at the birds, I used my two pillows that have birds on them.  I was very intentional about everything I brought into this space. 
To some, spaces like this may seem odd.  But for me, it does so much for my soul.  Taking the time to nurture a space in your home, carved out just for you, is taking care of yourself.  I instantly felt at peace once the space was created.  I laid on the blanket, put my feet up on the window seal, closed my eyes and let the sun wash over me.  It felt cleansing.  I felt wrapped up in the love of others, from choosing so many things that were given to me with love.

It does not take alot of room to make a space like this.  This space is only about 4'x4'.  Do you have any places you have created just for you in your home?  If so, what type of elements did you use?  How did it make you feel? 
post signature

Home Sweet Home - One Year >>>

As of April 11th, we have been in our new home for an entire year! I can hardly believe a year has already gone by. So much has happened in this past year its kind of hard to grasp reality of it all. Its been a very bittersweet year. All in the same year, we had amazing things happen, like buying our very own home and becoming a featured seller on etsy... as well as the monumental sadness of losing my dad, as well as the loss of my Nanna's husband. Its so weird how these things have happened in my life... like losing my mom just 4 months after getting married (and 2 months after my brother had his first child). Almost makes me scared to think what will happen when I have a baby!  Eeekkk... this post was not meant to be sad!  I just cant help but think of these things when I think of the happiness of owning our first (and maybe only) home.  I wish so bad I could share all this beauty with two of the most important people in my life, my parents.  So.... beyond this bittersweetness I wanted to share some of my favorite photos Ive taken so far this past year in our home.  There are so many, it was hard to narrow it down.  Many things have changed already since these were taken, and will continue to change.  Im not one to keep things the same way forever, I love constantly redecorating!

Home Sweet Home.


Office Makeover >>>

The other day I did a simple makeover in my office space.  My desk was really bothering me the way I had it before, I felt kind of trapped behind it.  I decided to turn it a bit, and it made all the difference in the world.  I couldnt believe what such a small change could make!  I put my daddy's wood chest against the wall too.  We used to keep firewood in it when I was growing up.  It feels so much more open, free and light.  If you have a job where you are at the computer alot, I think its sooo good for the soul to make it a space filled with some of your favorite things that make you smile. 


HOME TOUR - Living Room

Our living room is a very happy place for me.  As I sit and work on my computer here in my open office, I am facing our living room area, where James enjoys most of his time when he is not working.  Some of my all time favorite and most sentimental things are in our living room.  I love love love decorating my spaces with meaningful art.  Honestly I wouldnt have it any other way.  The things I place on my walls to look at everyday must have a feeling of comfort for me, and I get the biggest comfort from things having history.  Family history most importantly.

On our mantel I have placed a large framed photo of one of our engagement shots.  My dad handmade the frame for our wedding, so it is super special.  The white and brown pitcher was my moms and is a very old piece of 'stapleware', which is very rare these days.  She loved the broken and recycled history of stapleware.  The tiny antique bottle collection was also hers with a few of mine mixed in.  We both shared a big love for old bottles, especially little tiny ones.  And the old non working violin was hers too.  She wanted so badly to learn to play the violin and never really got around to it.  Even some of the feathers, like the large turkey feathers are probably about 20 or so years old.  I love them to pieces.

The quilt on the back of our couch was handmade by my aunt, and I just adore it.  She gave it to me to cut up and use in my crafts, but I couldnt bare, its too wonderful.  The red velvet chair I got from my friend Shauna of Poor Pitiful Pearl, love it!  My coffee table was just a boring little table my bestie was getting rid of years ago and I re-painted it and gave it new life. 

My mannequin Moon has been tagging along with my since I was about 14.  She sports a tshirt from Greune Hall.  My mom got it when she waited tables at the Gristmill over 30 years ago.  The restaurant is still alive and kicking, such a cool place.

I did the painting of Claire Danes for James when we were just friends years ago.  And he got the custom skateboard two years ago for xmas.  Two of his favorite things.  My daddy made the bookshelf which I have always admired.

The shelf above our tv has some of the most meaningful stuff on it.  An embroidery of james and i that i have him for xmas a few years back.  Two kaleidescopes, one that my mom made when she was about my age, and one that was a wedding gift.  Marbles from my grandfathers collection.  One of my nanna's sparkly shoes from her dancing days.  My aunt has the other one, her and my mom each took one.  A framed pic of me and my mom.  And other various wedding gifts and knick knacks that I love.

This sun quilt was another piece my mom made before I was born.  I think she was pregnant with my brother when she made it.  This is my most single special thing I have.  If we had a fire, I would be ripping it off the walls as I ran out.

When my mom started making Broken China Jewelry 30 years ago, she was saving all of the hallmarks off the back of the plates.  She made this little wall hanging and Im so glad she did.  Its a nice little reminder of what she did with her life.  And I found just the perfect spot for it!

As you can see, I really do keep alot of my mom around me.  It comforts me so much.  None of this stuff can replace her, but it fills some of the holes in my heart having it around me, if that makes sense. 
