Pieces of Home - Instagram Style >>>

For those of you who follow me on Instagram youve already seen all of these images. But those who dont, I thought Id share them here, kind of a little recap of things throughout this week >>>
Most excitingly I created and launched a new Roots and Feathers website hub.  A central place where you can easily find links to everywhere we are online.  I love it!  

I had some yummy meals.  Getting back on my good eats train.  This one was wild rice, carrots and a spinach salad with grapes and feta cheese and hibiscus dressing.

Broke out my Blind Melon albums to listen.  They were the first band I learned every song in and out to on my cassette player headphones in 4th grade.  I remember laying on the living room floor just blaring it in my headphones and memorizing every word.  The second album I did that with was Counting Crows.  I remember sitting on the bathroom sink devouring every lyric while singing along.  My musical journey really started there I think.

I gathered sticks and stones from the woods.  You can read more on that post here.

I got a book from my friend Julie, The Sacred Tree, and read the whole thing before bed one night.  Great simple explanation of the medicine wheel.  For the first time in a long time, I devoured the words like a child learning about bugs, or something like that.

Just a pretty pic of some wrapping paper I got at World Market.  Little things like make my heart happy happy!

There were two days this week that Violet wanted back in after going potty in the morning.  She snuggled up in bed almost all day.  It was precious.  Bellas window is by the bed, so she just laid there staring out the window.

A piece of my little window bunting.  I did a diy on this a while back, you can see that here.

Lately Ive been called upon by the Blue Jay in a big way.  I have been seeing them and the words 'bluejay' everywhere I go.  Im listening.

Found this old wine cork in my backroom and it reminded me of my daddy, Tim.  Going to incorporate in one of my Soulodge projects I think.

Wore one of my PPP dresses for the first time in a long time!  I love my bambi dress :)  So so sweet.

My new Roots and Feathers postcards came in the mail!  Along with James new Skyline Fever business cards!  Love little stuff like this.  I used images from my newest lookbook.

I hooped everyday this week.  Even if it was just for 5 minutes.  This is a pic of me feeling happy resting on the deck after doing so.

Snapped a pic of James and Violet snuggling in James music room.  So sweet.  Violet gives the best snuggles.


One Day at a Time >>>

Week one of the new year down.  Id say it was a good start, releasing my new lookbook and collection for Roots and Feathers.  And we launched our new design for Skyline Fever, and are hoping to raise money and awareness for a good cause through it.  (Thank you to those of you who left suggestions, Im looking into all of them).  I spent this weekend getting mostly caught up on custom orders.  I went to my first garage sale in almost a year I think and saw my bestie!  I did some yoga today, and cleaned some house.   And Ive read a bunch of Wayne Dyer's Your Sacred Self and Im thoroughly enjoying it.  

Im beginning to feel a bit sluggish after all of that.  Realizing still the things I must accomplish soon, I feel myself growing tired just thinking about it.  One. day. at. a. time.


Courage - A New Year Ahead >>>

Blessings and Gratitude to a NEW YEAR!  Funny how the world works sometimes, the fact that it is a new year during my deepest time of transition and new beginnings.  I feel like my mom has sent me a few angels in the past few months, to fluff my feathers and prepare me on my new journey of flight.  I have been too afraid to really delve into my emotions of losing my dad, and Im slowly becoming ready to face the darkness.  I keep reminding myself of the lovely quote:
*found via pinterest here*

As I was reading the words of my friends blog post about her mission of doing brave things and having her yearly word be 'unafraid' - I realized I am right there with her.  I felt her words resonate within me, as if I was suppose to be reading them.  I love that we can do that for each other here in this online community.  Im looking forward to taking the winter course with SouLodge, and spending more quality time with my own heart.  Right now I feel as if I am gathering all the sticks and remnants I will need to keep my fires burning through the winter, until the sun decides to come out re-grow the things that have died from the year past. 

New month, there are all new lovely sponsors up on the blog, spend some time to check them out if you wish.  And I also made my first treasury of the year this morning! 


New Years Dreams and Wishes >>>

I decided to write a little New Years post, and since this time of year is usually about changes we want to occur in our lives, I thought I would start in this very moment.  Instead of sitting inside at my computer desk to write up this post, I gathered up a blanket, pillow, James laptop and my phone in case it rings, outside to enjoy the scenery and breeze while I do.  It took just a few extra minutes out of my day, and has already made all the difference in the way my body feels.  These are the simple kind of changes I look forward to emplimenting in my daily life this next year.  Little things I can change about my routine as I work at home, to make my days more fulfilling.  I think this is a good start!
2011 was another one of those years I would call the best and the worst years.  So many amazing things happened this year.  The biggest of those being buying our very own home and having both of our handmade business be a success.  Starting my new Roots and Feathers line, and then becoming a featured seller on etsy, was amazing!  This also planted many seeds in my heart of knowing Im on the right path, and fully allowing myself to continue following my dreams.  We have also deepened a few friendships in our lives this year, and reconnected with some old friends.  And we recovered our pup Violet from heartworms, and she is strong and healthy! 

The hardest part of this past year has been losing my dad to suicide.  It is something I think I will have to feel and work on every day of my life.  It has sparked an emotional and spiritual revolution inside my heart, just like when I lost my mom, but in a different way this time.  It has also amplified missing my mom so much.  Its left me with so much more fear of the world then I had before, which is going to take lots of time and healing to work my way through.  But it has also opened my heart more and more to the idea of bringing a new life into our home.  It has again made me realize how tender and short this life really can be.  It has also changed James heart in so many ways.  The death of my parents has given me so much insight into life itself, and to everyone who knew and loved them.  They will forever be missed and yearned for, for the rest of our lives. 

 *this photo of my parents was taken by a friend when they went to Italy together*

I can only imagine what 2012 is going to bring into our lives.  I could really go without any kind of loss.  My hopes for the new year are lots of healing in my heart, more activity in my body, more spiritual connections, the growth of a new garden, continued success in our businesses, new friendships and maybe a little bebe growing in my belly at some point in the year :)  These are my biggest wishes. 

I know I cant change which way the wind blows, or who comes in or out of my life, or a million other things, but Im excited about the things I can change.  Which reminds me of the serenity prayer my mom used to always tell me... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  This is one of the simplest yet most profound prayers.  Its the only prayer my mom ever told me, and she learned it from AA.  I love it.  

One more thing Im going to accept before going into this new year, is patience and time.  I know so many of us put these crazy high expectations on ourselves for the year, but so many of these changes take time, like real time.  As my heart allows me, Im going to let go of the things that no longer serve me, and welcome new things that do.  And if it takes me all year, or 5 years, so be it.  I will follow my course without pressuring myself.  The world has a great way of making things happen when they are suppose to :)

This is how I spent most of my day today.  As soon as James got home, my cramps kicked in full gear and I was bed bound for hours.  It was so bad this time it actually made me throw up, which hasnt happened in years.  Sometimes it makes me wonder how Ill ever have a baby naturally if I can barely stand my periods.  Sorry if thats TMI.

Happy New Year to everyone I have met along this journey so far!  Lets continue to embrace each other in this community into the new year.
