Forgiveness is understanding,
That I may never know,
Why we hurt each other,
Or which one of us needs to grow.


Kaypacha's video spoke right to my heart last night.  This space I have been maneuvering through this past month, and still journeying on through September it looks like, has been twisty, uneasy, and out of the blue, and at the same time so healing, needed and full of breaking my heart open to release past shards that were left stuck inside of it where I just let the muscle just grow right over.  This month has been like a surgeon, digging deeply in to find the culprits and plucking them out one by one so that my heart can soften, forgive, and pump wildly for what deserves its attention. 

I have been a coward, and I have also been brave.  I have spoken my truth.  I have shared my heart, and I have held my own heart on the shower floor.  I have forgiven, and I have also allowed ego to still hold on.  I have begged for answers, and am softening into never having them.  I am gathering my bones, and I will make a fucking beautiful life and work of art out of them.



2015. So far it has blown by so quickly it's hard to keep up with what month I am in.  At least that is the way it feels most days.  It's been very UP and very DOWN. And the changes happen so rapidly, like within days, sometimes hours.  And most days seem to spring the unexpected on you that you can't expect to know how your day will go.  Things I have planned to get done, seem to keep getting pushed back by other events, by blows emotionally, by whatever.  And then the 'catch up' feels so overwhelming that I just want to play in daydream land, and at times I just allow myself too b/c I know it's exactly what my body needs.  PLAY.  These images are from one of those days.


In order for things to really leave our bodies, they have to come back up for re-examination.  That is what has been happening to me alot lately.  Deep changes.  Deep reflections.  Old feelings coming up showing me the ways I have beaten myself up, felt not good enough, pretty enough, worthy enough, whatever enough.  Old emotional patterns, things Ive allowed others to make me feel about myself, history.  And its time to re-write my story.  Create a new one that leaves the negative self talk behind.  One that fully embraces myself, in all ways, with pure love for self.  Eclipse Season, thank you.


It's time to be done with defining myself from my past.  Time to be done with caring what others might think of me.  Time to be done with any what-if's.  Time to be done with fearing the future, and fully trust the process of this journey.  Time for a new day.


outfit details: dress - chicwish // hat - moorea seal // necklace - love + leather



Seven Years.  Today my mother has been gone from this earth for 7 years.  It's crazy to think about all that has transpired within seven years, that she has not been here to witness.  She has walked with me in spirit all along the way, I know.  But oh the things I wish I could sit down and talk with her about.  The difference in who I have become from age 25 to 32.  I guess actually I am a completely different person, since I have heard it takes 7 years for every cell in our bodies to die and renew themselves.  But in so many ways, I am such a different person.  I wish I could sit down with her, through all the things Ive experienced and learned, and have real heart to hearts with her.  I'd love to still get to know her more deeply as a person too.  I'd love to inquire about so much.  I'd love for her to still be my best friend, here on earth.

One thing seven years has also brought though is peace.  Peace with her being gone.  I'll never stop wishing she was here, of course, but I am so much more at peace with the reality of it these days.  This summer will be 4 years since my daddy has been gone too.  I think part of the peace comes from the time gone by since I lost him too.  Just as I was gaining peace a few years ago with my mom's death, my dad was suddenly gone too, and the pain started all over again.  Some days life is simply just odd without them here.  Some days it just hits me.  Cuts to the bone when I know I will never be able to touch their skin again.   Some days it feels like I never had parents to begin with.  I know that sounds strange.  But there are times, when day after day of them not being here, it begins to feel like they were never here.  I can't describe it.  I feel so thankful when they visit me in my dreams, or show themselves through an animal in passing.  Those little moments that bring them back to life in a flash. 

Seven years ago I lost the most amazing woman I have ever known.  I am so blessed I was HER daughter.  From what so many people tell me, she lives on through me in so many ways.  I hope people never stop seeing her when they look at me. 

I have a photo of her that I keep next to me on my desk.  It was from a day her and I had a date at a local (gone) coffee shop called Fool Moon.  We sat outside in the sunshine, drank coffees, talked, and got silly with the camera.  It's a picture of her sipping her coffee, and her eyes just radiate.  Everyone in my family has a copy of it, and they all say its their favorite picture of her.  I remember the fun and joy we had with each other that day, and it radiates from her eyes.  I would kill to sit on that bench with her one more time and tell each other all of our secrets.  But since I know I can't, instead I have heart to hearts with her in my mind.  I talk to her through the trees and with the birds.  I seek the love she held day after day through my own living.  In my heart, she will always be alive.