
Today's outfit post is brought to you from my lovely iphone.  ​This is what I wore to celebrate my aunt's birthday the other night.  I finally hemmed my Novella Royale pants.  I was so afraid I would mess them up that I stalled for over a month!  But I finally got the courage to just do it myself and they came out perfect!  Woo hoo!  Im pretty much head over heals for them and wish I could afford these, and this jumper.  Total heart swoon.  She is my number ONE favorite designer.  It took me two years to finally allow myself to splurge on a pair, and Im so glad I did! 

This outfit is full of my favorite designers.  See them all below.  (I absolutely love the gypsies caravan earring paired with the spirit tribe earring)​


outfit details: bell bottoms - novella royale // shirt - handmade by me // sweater - f21 // purse - christi jay // boots - bcfootwear // wood gauge earring - gypsies caravan // feather earring - spirit tribe // rose quartz necklace - soulmakes // coyote tooth necklace - roots and feathers // onyx ring - gifted from spirit y sol // moon ring - laurel hill


I love this photo of Aiden and James.  While we were waiting at a restaurant, Aiden started putting his hands in his pockets (which took him about a whole minute, quite the task) and said I want to be like uncle James.  Then he went and stood next to James just like this.  It was the cutest thing in the world!!!  My heart melts just about everytime he says the words 'uncle james'.  And right now he says my name 'Auntie Waura'.  Its so cute.​

*james rad sweater is from zenthreads on etsy*​



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This is my nephew Aiden.  My favorite boy in the world.  It has been such a rad thing to watch him grow into his own.  And he is quite the little munchkin.  A huge personality.  He thinks the funniest thing in the world is farts (especially if he gets to land one right on you), and to tell little white lies, followed by the most insanely cute face saying 'nah... just kiddin'.  Like father like son.  My brother and him are two peas in a pod. 

Almost everytime I see Aiden, he likes to play with my phone and take silly photos.  So I thought Id share some of them here on the blog.  He is the worlds best poser.  You dont have to tell him a thing.  Each time he hears the camera click, he strikes a new pose, ready for the next one.  And yesterday we got to witness his 'shake yo booty' dance.  It was hilarious! 

We went out last night to celebrate my aunt's birthday (my mamas sister).  And the restaurant of our choice was going to be a huge wait, so we went down the road for something else and it ended up being the perfect place for Aiden.  They had peanuts all over the floor and the waiter said it was okay for Aiden to throw the peanuts.  So, he got to throw peanuts at his uncle James across the table all night.  He was delighted. 

I love this little booger. 



I have been following along with my friend Moorea's 52 Lists project as I can.  I decided to keep most of my lists private and just for myself and my own healing and transformation.  But this one I thought I would share b/c its more light and fun, and I wanted to spread the word about her amazing project before it gets too deep in, b/c I think everyone would benefit from it.  Im a list person, so as soon as I saw her post about it, I got a wee bit excited b/c I love making lists.  I wasn't able to jump right in at the time, so I have gone back and printed out all of the lists up until about a week ago, so you can do the same if you are behind and feeling like you cant start b/c you haven't been doing it each week.  I tend to get behind on almost every online project or e-course I ever do.  So I always just know I can print things out and do them on my own time, and that works for me.  I realized a while back there is no point in pressuring myself to keep up with anyone else, b/c this is my own process. 

So, back to Moorea's lists.  They are pretty life changing, even in little ways.  Some are more deep thinking and some are more light and simple like this one.  But each one gets you really thinking about yourself, and your personal growth and development, which I think is good for anyone.  If anything, it helps you to feel more connected with yourself.  I think the more connected we are with ourselves, the more we can honestly and opening connect with others.  So I think what Moorea is doing is great.  And I know she is going to be doing some big change the world kind of things in her life.   

*My photo layout above is directly inspired by her layouts.* 

Go checkout her 52 Lists Project here. 

On another note, I hope everyone went to check out their horoscope with KV yesterday.  They are some seriously amazing reports.  And if you missed it, there are some really good releasing and grounding rituals, along with some free art! 


A N N O U N E M E N T S   G A L O R E

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The Full Moon report by KV of Aquarius Nation is up!  One you won't want to miss!  Along with rituals from Moondaughter and Gypsy Moth Sol and art by me.  Only half of the personal report videos are up so far, so check back later today if yours has a 'coming soon' message.​


A new lunar animal post on the Meerkat is up on The Bohemian Collective by Moondaughter.  So much lunar goodness going on this full moon.​


The winner of the Blowfish Shoes giveaway has been chosen!  Congrats Abigail!  Ill be emailing you today!​