
This month I am taking Laura Emily's Manifesting Abundance course, and so far its been a beautiful thing to mix spirit with finance.  I set up my sacred space for this month just for this, manifesting.  Ill show more of it later... These are just a few from my new moon solar eclipse night with this space.  I burned a candle along with some herbs and citrine quartz while stating all of the abundance I am manifesting at this time.  I've been writing these things down for months now it seems, but it felt really good to just sit there and verbally speak them out loud as they came to me.  ​

Seeing my friends baby come into this world this week has actually shifted my perspective in alot of ways, and has all of a sudden made me realize that having a child really is something I want in my life, sooner than later.  Ive been so scared for so long since my mom died, but I think now being surrounded by my closest friends having their own first time babies, its shifted something in me.  Seeing that even though her pregnancy and birth did not go the way she dreamt it would at all, but seeing her face when she got to hold her baby, just made all of that go away and so worth it.​  And seeing Jeff's face the day she was born made me know exactly how James would feel, and I want him to experience that.  Kind of crazy how one little baby can all of a sudden create this feeling inside of me. 

Im also about to be doing a 10 day fast with Laura Emily that starts tomorrow.  (you can still join us by today!!!)​  It's going to be an intense one though.  Im so nervous, but looking forward to the detox and release from it.  The perfect timing for the things Ive been shedding lately.  It will be the physical part to my emotional/spiritual release.  Warning:  I may be very grumpy for the next two weeks, ha ha!  I have no idea!  <---- I think that is more of a warning to my husband!

​Happy mother's day to everyone!  Including those who are not mothers to children, but who are mothers to creativity and healers of the earth.  We are all mothers in one way or another.



​I have been getting messages for a while to pay attention to my winged friends, and the messages they bring.  I knew a new bird energy was going to enter my life soon, I just didn't expect it to be through death.  Last week I dreamt about a lot of dead birds that were just killed and thrown in the back of a restaurant.  I remember coming across them and wanting to steal them so I could take them home and lovingly bury them.  Then a little girl and her mom walked up and the little girl went right up to the dead birds, picked up a blue one and asked her mom if she could take it home.  She looked at me and I knew she felt the same thing I did.  I woke up with the strangest feeling, and the images of that dream keep popping into my head. 

Then the day we went to the hospital to see Laurel Lea be born, I found this American Robin dead on the sidewalk when we left.  It was late, dark, we were hungry and in a rush to get home.  I wanted to take it but didn't have anything to pick it up with, and James was a bit hesitant, so we just moved him into the bushes behind the building with some sticks and leaves.  The whole next day I couldn't stop thinking about him.  So when we went to visit her again yesterday, I brought a towel and a box.  When we got in the car James asked me what the box was for.  He quickly realized.  When we arrived our friend was on the phone so we stood outside for a moment with him.  I went to check to see if the bird was still there and make sure he wasn't covered in ants or bugs.  He wasn't.  I left him there until we were going to leave.  When I came back over to tell James it was still there, I looked down and spotted this little baby Warbler, dead.  Right next to us.  I couldn't believe it!  What were the odds?  I rarely see dead birds.  So, I grabbed this little guy too when we left.  If anyone saw me I probably looked like a crazy lady, but I had to.  ​Even though Im sure James would of rather Id left them there, Im glad he was able to be okay with it.  Then on the way home, I saw a huge dead vulture. 

I have had alot of deep things Ive been trying to release for the past several months, and with this new moon solar eclipse, I felt the timing of these little guys showing up in my life to be just right.  A message of release, letting go of things that need to die in my life in order to bring in new life.  And all happening as one of my best friends birthed her first child, who has already given me major baby fever.  And as Im typing this Im watching my mother Swallow sit on her second batch of eggs this season, right after her babies just flew the coop.  ​


I buried the two little birdies together this morning under a big oak tree.  I buried them with a double terminated quartz I just received.  I got it for my own masculine/feminine & relationship healing, but I felt they needed it.  I also sent them off with some white sage and two rose petals, the same thing I used in the ceremony for releasing my daddy.  It just felt right and calm for them.  Then I covered them with two stones from my home.  I am preserving their wings as a reminder of their beautiful message, and to continue to honor what they brought me through my remaining work in this area.

This has been a reminder in the life death life cycle we all learn from.  Whether its actually losing someone or something that was special to us, or releasing old patterns and behaviors and building new life in place of them.  ​


For those of you wandering, the new moon reports are coming up in the next hour or so.  We decided to wait for today so we could all enjoy the solar eclipse energy.  Be on the lookout over here in the next few hours!​


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Little Laurel Lea graced us with her heart melting presence yesterday at 6:39 pm.  She was a bit at risk, so after about 12 hours of my friend Bird's labor failing to progress, they performed a c-section.  Even though that was not what anyone wanted, we were all happy to have a healthy beautiful baby in our arms.  I hate that my friend has to be in so much pain now though.  But she is a trooper, so I know she can do it.  ​

I am absolutely in awe over this little one.  She has already planted a new seed of baby fever in me.  I just love her so much.  Just look at that little face!  I took alot of sweet photos of family holding her, but I didn't want to post those here on my blog, but they are on my facebook for the family to see.  It was so sweet watching Bird's dad's face light up while staring at his new grandbaby.  My heart is so full of baby love right now.​



outfit details:  shirt - f21  //  shorts - hand me down  //  belt - vintage  //  necklace - laurel hill  //  earrings - roots and feathers  //  rope sandals c/o blowfish shoes

This little outfit is what I wore to my friend's baby shower the other day.  And these blowfish sandals have quickly become my new favorites.  They call them Caroline.​  They are like the modern day version of the classic rope sandal.  I love that they have a tiny little wedge on them for a bit of height, but not too much so they are still comfy like flats.  These folks at Blowfish really think these things through.  They have yet to  make a shoe I hate, or even slightly just dislike. 

I love pairing this crescent moon necklace from Laurel Hill with more simple outfits so its stands out.  Her work is divinely exquisite, with superior quality.  I could ooooohh and ahhhh all day long over this and these.

Today I will be attending my first birth.  To a beautiful little soul named Laurel.  One of my best friends is having her first baby!  I couldn't be more excited for her.  I can't wait to meet this little one.  She is already so very special to me.​