For this trip I realized what a nerd packer I am. I tried to plan my outfits in advance, which is hard for me to do b/c I usually just put on whatever I feel like for that day. But I didn't want to pack a bunch of stuff that wouldn't get worn, so I planned as best I could for what we would be doing. You can't go wrong with bringing your favorite pieces either! As I was laying out my outfits I thought it would be fun to share some flatlays of them. I'm not sure how well I will stick to actually pairing these things together on the trip, so well so if this strategy works out or not. One thing I learned is that I really do love packing! Its fun! It's the unpacking that I don't like!
If you want to know where everything here came from, check out these images on my instagram. I don't have time to list it all here, sorry.
Luckily I can report that our car got fixed last night! We are going to test it over the next few days before we leave to see if we feel safe enough to take it. And Bella is doing much much better and is liking her new diabetic kitty food! Not to worry about the babies while we are gone, our friend is staying at our house and will be looking after them! So things are looking up!
Most of the blog posts you will see this week are pre-posted, so I won't be able to respond until I return... But it will be super fun to come home to the comments!
So tell me... are you a compulsive packer or a nerdy planner packer?
outfit details: tshirt c/o persun // shoes c/o minnetonka // shorts - thrifted // necklace + rings - roots and feathers
Most days when I'm not dressed for anything in particular, this is how I look. Tee shirt and cut offs are my go to daily wear for around the house. Unless Im just too lazy to get out of the pjs! Or I just feel like changing into leggings... Comfort all the way at home!
I know my sweet friend was not expecting me to share this package with the world when she sent it to me, but it is just one that I really wanted to document for forever. This was so out of the blue, and the timing couldn't of been more perfect. When I first started opening this package right when we came through the door, James was talking to me and I realized quickly I was just going through the motions of opening packages like I usually do. They are usually just beads, so no need to think otherwise. But I stopped myself in my tracks with this one. I felt the specialness of it from the outside of the box, with the words 'The Healing Path' taped on it. Once we were done with our conversation, I excused myself from the room, and went into the studio, closed the door and slowly opened the box. Taking in each thing at a time. Upon opening it, the smell of my favorite incense in the world filled the room. Instantly reminded me of the love in my heart for my dear friend Rain. As I unfolded the thoughtful gifts inside the box I felt completely overwhelmed with gratitude, love, and soul-sister connection. I was almost in shock at how someone could possibly be so in sync with my needs, more than I even am. Its like her soul was whispering to me... 'friend, i see what you cannot see in this moment, and i thought you might could use these tools to help you along your path'. This is a gift. A true gift of soul. I felt heard, without even speaking.