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The adorable MacKenzie from Soulmakes and I got together and did a collaborative photoshoot project where we both styled each others jewelry along with our own.  Soulmakes + Roots & Feathers - united.  I think its a beautiful thing when artists can come together to create something beautiful along side each other, instead of in competition.  I have always loved sharing other artists work just as much, if not more than my own.  I think we all have our place in the arts community and all share an individual voice in the collective. 

Below you will see the images I took, wearing Soulmakes Sea Goddess Necklace  along with Roots and Feathers beaded wrap bracelets, rings, and the other two necklaces.

Check out MacKenzie's post here featuring Roots & Feathers Gaia Headband, Skylar Eagle Necklace, Feather Necklace, along with her Soulmakes Night Hawk Necklace and several bracelets

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other outfit details: kimono + top - forever 21 // shorts + hat - thrifted // leggings - wildflower tie dyes // boots - lulu'


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On the 17th I went to see Steve Earle with my bestie at Floore's Country Store.  I'm still on a Steve high, over a week later!  I've been listening to him all week.  It was such a great night that I won't forget.  The last time I saw Steve play was at the Folk Festival in Kerrville with my dad in 2011, so it was really nice to have a really good next time of seeing him.  I wasn't sure if it was going to make me sad or not, but it was all good.  Shelley and I toasted to my dad and kept his spirit with us during the show.  I figured Id see all his old friends there b/c they always go to his shows, but we did not see one person we knew the whole night, except for spotting Ben Dorsey, the most adorable and oldest roadie around.   They brought so many different guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc.  Such a great eclectic show with so many of my favorite songs!  I already can't wait for him to make his way back to Texas.  And yes I may of had a little girl moment b/c he caught my eye several times throughout the show...


Then on the 19th we threw a party for my nephew at my house for his 6th birthday.  Shelley came over with the kids and they had a blast.  Aiden really enjoyed himself and acted just like a 6 year old boy.  It was so nice to have my family at my house, a rare occasion.  And it was so sweet watching my Nanna hold Shelley's youngest.  He loved her and then just fell asleep in her arms.  Click on the pics to see them larger. 

Then on the 23rd we went out to our friends house to celebrate his 25th birthday.  All the pics I took came out way dark, but I loved these two.  Jenn made the most amazing Totoro cake!!!!!  Adorable and yummy carrot cake!  And this photo of Jonny and Lee just make me smile.  Good night. 


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If there is one thing I love, it is creating ritual around my bathtime.  This has been a huge part of my life for many years now.  My bath time is sacred time.  When I take a bath I always wait until I know I can be in there for at least an hour, and I almost always bring companions with me, like a good book, my tarot deck, or a journal.  I use it as a time to self reflect and self love.  So naturally, this kit from Ritual Bath was a perfect companion for me on one of my baths, and more to come.  I pampered myself with the scrumptious face mask, body scrub and oatmeal bath soak.  It came with a set of affirmations, which I thought was a really great extra to come along with a bath set, so I reflected upon those while I was soaking my body.  I chose her Balance kit b/c that is a word Ive been working closely with for quite some time now.  Id love to try her Love Bath Set and Sweet Midnight Sugar Scrub

Best of all, Lauren, the creator, is a sweetheart.  Check out her etsy shop, twitter, facebook, instagram & pinterest for more! 


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With the release of a few new jewels comes a sweet little display shoot with the wicker chair I found in Louisianna.  When I bought it this is what I envisioned, so its really fun to bring it to life.  I just added the new bracelets that Ive been teasing you with for months now... and I'm adding the wire wrapped sea shell necklaces this morning... and soon, I have several new stone rings coming to the shop, as well as many other pretties.