roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio
roots and feathers studio

Today was my first day in a week I have had the house all to myself.  My friend Katelyn and her family came to stay with me this past week, and it was full of not only good and fun moments, but also lots of heartache, sick babies, and tension.  Sometimes life is just that way, and knowing that you can be friends through those tough moments is a wonderful feeling.  It was not the best time for either of us and I'm pretty sure there were quite a few moments we both wanted to run and hide in a corner due to outside stresses.  But we fought our way through the obstacles of the week, got our photoshoots done, had many heart to hearts, had to time to be together alone for one day which was the first time that has ever happened, made lots of really yummy homeade food, and more.   

It is also the week of my moontime and I am highly sensitive and emotional right now.  Really I have felt this way for a while now.  I feel like each time I come to my blog I leave hints of it behind, but don't really feel like going in depth, or showing my true feelings, b/c honestly it's pretty dark right now.  I'm going through alot of my own shadowlands, dealing with letting go, death, relationship, wounds, and more.  I am in my own wintering, a deeper transformation, yet another layer of my being that is screaming to be shed.  I read little momentos all over the web that say, just let go of your past, be in the now.  But I am finding that very hard.  I feel there are wounds in me that I have turned my head to for far too long, and if I don't go in there and excavate them now, they are only going to bury themselves deeper in my spirit, which is feeling a bit numb right now b/c it knows the road ahead is the wild unknown.  I am learning that true healing is not a matter of just looking the other way and letting things heal themselves, b/c for me, they don't.  My family history has taught me to look the other way, and I cannot do that anymore.   

The feeling of missing the boat keeps creeping in, but I just keep reminding myself of the line in my birthchart that tells me there is never a boat to be missed.  It is all in divine timing, and what I do not know yet, I do not know for a reason.  I think we are so complex as humans that if all of the things we are here to learn on this earth were given to us all at once, would just spontaneously combust or something.   

Anyway... having some me time this morning, with the rain outside... I decided to put on some Doc Watson and rearrange in my studio a bit to make it come alive again.  This is a necessary and frequent thing I must do for myself to keep my creativity alive.  I put this wooden shelf on my desk a little while back and for the most part is was just for function.  I had most of my utensils and stuff on it, but everytime I looked at it, it kind of depressed me.  I love the shelf, its one my dad made just for his powders for his pottery.  I decided to take everything down and rearrange all of my utensils among things that make my heart come alive.  It is now the perfect blend of function and soulful beauty.  I also hung my two new prints of Dylan and Janis I got from Earthbound Trading.  I love these two photos of them, the one of Dylan looks like my dad, and the one of Janis looks like my aunt.  This space feels alive to me again.   

Thank you solitude.  Thank you rain.  Thank you Doc.  Thank you special momentos. 


into the dark night giveaway.jpg

Into the Dark Night —

A Guided, Creative Descent into the Shadowlands of the Soul

A mystical journey with your gypsy guides Mandy Steward + Hillary Rain.

I'm wildly excited about this new love collaboration that is coming out soon from two dear creative souls.  As I have been venturing deeply into my own shadowlands lately, so this speaks to me in such an unreal way.  The timing could not be more appropriate and I am keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a way I'll be able to join them in this journey.  The past few weeks (months) have been quite heavy for me, with so much coming to the surface, and so much needing to be released.  Things from my past have been creeping in to give me yet another deeper look into them before I can finally let go.  I am working with my Skeleton Woman in so many ways.  

In case you are also in this period of your life, I wanted to share this course with you and let you know they are having a wonderful and generous giveaway for their course!!!   

Head on over to their site to check out more and enter. 

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lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit
lovely bird hat outfit

outfit details:  hat c/o lovely bird // sweater - romwe // jeans - ross // boots - blowfish shoes // necklace - roots and feathers 

This is just about my favorite kind of casual fall look... skinny jeans, plain tee, comfy sweater, boots and a hat.  Yes, yes and yes!  Out of the many amazing pieces that adorn my closet, this grey t-shirt is my biggest constant companion.  It gets worn probably more than any other item.  There is something so comforting about a plain super soft tee.  I am smitten with this hat from Lovely Bird, and have been admiring it for a few years now when I saw it appear in a random magazine.  All of their hats are right up my alley, and such good quality.   If you are a hat lover like me, head on over to my giveaway page b/c Lovely Bird is giving one of my readers a free hat!!!  It has been an honor to work with so many amazing handmade artists over the years and to be able to share that love with those of you who read my blog.  *feeling blessed*


gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit
gold dust woman halloween outfit

Here is my halloween costume in full!  It was inspired by Stevie Nicks song Gold Dust Woman.  Funny how it naturally ended up looking like Stevie herself, and many people thought that is what I was.  But I guess both really are one and the same.  A big thanks to Katelyn for snapping the photos for me! 

This outfit was put together from Lulu's for the most part.  The dress, boots, hat, purse (not pictured - check my instagram to see) and nail polish came from the lovely folks at Lulu's, and were the main inspiration for the look.  I accessorized with this sparkled vest from Mamie Ruth and tights from Target.  I didn't have enough time to find gold or sparkle tights, so these were my last option.  This amazing with came from this shop on etsy.   And the necklace is one I made for my shop that will be coming soon.