
Hi, I’m Maria Moraca.

I’m a channeler, energy worker, and acupuncturist.

I excel at assisting people who want something for themselves and in empowering them along the way. I’ve been aiding and abetting discerning explorers and seekers since 1996.

Do you want to learn about and liberate old patterns (behavioral, energetic, and soul-level) that affect your potential, your relationships, and your life?

Do you crave an understanding of what drives you? Do you like to dig deep and learn about your subconscious motivators, self-criticizers, and self-sabotagers?

Are you in transition and wondering what comes next?

Are you moving right along at a steady pace, and wondering how to further optimize your achievements, progress and growth?

Then you’re in the right place.

We’ll explore the parts of you that don’t agree with what YOU want. You already know they’re in there – under the guise of fear, lack of productivity, unkind internal dialogue – let’s smoke ‘em out. It’s time for out with the old, in with the new.

It’s not always easy, but it can be graceful.


What is channeling?
I am a conscious, integrated channeler. This type of channeling is a process of allowing a specific entity, who I have developed a relationship with, to use my voice and body to interact with a client. I remain aware during the channeling, however I am “in the background,” so to speak, and the entity is in the spotlight. Check out this blog post for more information as well.

Who do you channel?

I channel an entity named Zurac. He offers a unique perspective when answering questions, and shares information regarding our sometimes unconscious mindsets, beliefs, and patterns of behavior. Zurac is very respectful, his insights are invaluable, and his communication is gentle. You can expect lots of courtesy from Zurac, and precious guidance to help you connect with self, and clarify your path of change and growth for your well-being.

Who can benefit from a channeling session?

Anyone who has questions about where they are taking their life, or an interest in shifting their current life experience.

How do I prepare for a channeling session?

Take a nice, deep breath. Go within you, and take a moment to connect with Self. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing for you to know at this time that can improve your life and your sense of self? What do you need to know at this time to make your life what you want it to be? What do you need to become aware of so you can focus your efforts of change for the outcome you truly want? Consider where you are in your life at this time, and where you’d like to go; the goals and dreams you would like to achieve, the path and the future you would like to create for yourself. Write down your questions. Have them ready for your channeling session. Your questions will be crucial and Zurac will work with your most profound intention.

I do ask that you do not ask questions in lieu of medical advice; nor questions about other people. Zurac respects people’s sovereignty and will not discuss your loved ones’ issues.

What can I expect from a channeling session?

Gentle guidance, combined with suggestions to look within at certain mindsets, beliefs, behaviors or patterns that might interfere with your most profound intention. While Zurac will offer suggestions to help you direct your energies and focus, he will not tell you what to do; you will not hear “you should” or “you must.” Rather, he will attentively respond to your questions without judgement, and with the utmost consideration for the fact you have the power of choice at all times. Here’s a blog post with more details.



One FREE 30 minute channeling session with Maria. 



I'm am like on-the-edge-of-my-seat EXCITED about today's giveaway from Little Wing Apparel.  These are the dreamiest pants on the planet!  I cannot wait to get my pair and wear them to yoga, hoop, dance in the grass...  


Betsy is giveaway a FREE pair of these amazing pants, in your SIZE & COLOR choice!  Visit her shop here to see the release of her new Freedom Collection.  If you visit some of the listings there will be a photo of color swatches to choose from.  She has the best selection of colors around.   




enter the giveaway below.  winner will be shown here below next monday. 



I am very excited for this giveaway from Gypsy Moth Sol, one of my best friends, who is offering a very sacred releasing ritual kit to one of my readers.  This is good soul medicine for anyone willing to get in there and do it...​

Cording:: A ritual of releasing was born out of the back and forth dance I was doing of releasing and then feeling overwhelmed, consumed again, by what I thought I let go of. With the help of KV from Aquarius Nation, it hit me. How I needed to ritualize this concept. Bring it to life and turn a metaphor into a tangible thing. Something I could touch and feel.

Being set free from these gremlins I had running rampant in my body has left me ready to harness my power for myself, instead of letting something else have it. We all have something or someone we need to release from our lives. It's not easy work. It means we have to be brutally honest with ourselves and the role we've played in allowing these creatures inside, past all of our boundaries.

I'm not saying this is it. That this is the key to happiness, the key to nirvana, but I am saying it helps. If you show up and do the work, you will be rewarded.

This kit is a little selection of items I found helpful, to finally cut the cords and heal. I offer them to you with an open heart because love, you need to show the world your beauty. We need it. I promise.

I know it's hard to let it go, you know, that shit that has been eating at you. The little voice inside your head that tells you you're not good enough, that your voice should not be heard. Or the broken relationships. The words that were said that cut through you like a warm knife through butter. The broken promises and the lies.

And sometimes it's hard to do this on your own.​ So here I am, offering you a bit of my magic to help you through this. This is me, extending my hand to you.

In a wee, little box you will get a long braided cord, woven with my intentions that you find healing and release, a sprig of rosemary, a single dried rose, a small blank card, an envelope of hand ground herbs and resins, picked for their purification and releasing properties, a square of recycled fabric and an extra piece of cord. Included with this kit is a mini booklet with instructions on how to use the tools and do the work. Because, love, I can't do the work entirely for you. And, it's part of regaining and clearing the space to use that gorgeous power you've been gifted with. ​

And I think the best part is, that when you need to release later down the road, because it's just the world we live in, that you've now got the knowledge and a go-to ritual for your blessed healing, to personalize how you feel called to. 

*Note, you may not receive the ​exact rose color or fabric square that is pictured here.If you would like to purchase the ebook version without the physical kit go here.