Ready for SLEEP...

So, today...I am tired.

It feels like we had so much to do today. We just got home about an hour and 1/2 ago, put away groceries, made dinner, made muffins for breakfast, and no I am too tired to even think about Style School, on the second day of school, I skipped class!!!

I have my interview for that magazine in the morning. I think it is throwing me off a bit. I must be awake and functioning. I am so thrilled that it is happening, but these kinds of things always make me nervous. Im much better with written interviews, not on the spot ones! But Ill let you know how it goes!

so for today, I am just going to share with you my first two completed neck cowls. I am in love with them. I added vintage buttons to the second one. And we did go to the craft store today and I found some pretty colors, so excited! Thank you Betsy for your suggestions!!!

And thanks to all of my new readers and to all of my sweet sweet commenters! Sorry if I have not written you back, Ive just been busy!

I didnt do my 365 either! Ill double it up manana!

Off to bed!
