Photo Jewelry Spotlight

First of all, I am so tired, and dont even know why I am making this post, probably because I just dont know how to make myself stop sometimes. I did a photoshoot today that was suppose to be 2 hours and it ended up being 5 hours, in boots, on concrete, needless to say, my feet hurt. And my brain hurts.

But...I want to feel like I accomplished something for myself today, so I making this little post about my photo jewelry.

Putting my photography on jewelry was my original business plan. This is what I was going to focus on, along with my photography. Although Violet Bella has made many twists and turns as my love for so many things continues to grow, these are still among my favorite pieces, hands down, and each one almost feels like my 'baby'.

I guess I have been a bit discouraged from making them, because I have literally only sold 2 or 3 necklaces, and just recently sold my first bracelet. So, out of the 2 boxes I have of these babies, that is not alot! So my excitement about creating them has fallen short. I know I shouldnt let this stop me, but I must make a living now, so if people dont buy them, I cant spend too much time on them, unfortunately. Things change when you decide to take what you love and make it a 'means to keep your family in food and your rent paid on time' type of thing.

But since I do love them so much, I decided to do a little spot light for them tonite. These are just a few of my favorites, but I have so many more. And so many I havent even taken the time to upload into the shop, b/c of said reasons.

Find all of these in my shop:

Okay, now I can let myself rest. This has been a busy week, but my list I posted the other day is started to dwindle down! Next week will be spent creating my new order from Ruche! Boy oh boy is it going to take a while, many hours of sitting in that chair! But it is something I am very excited about, so it is all worth it.

If you havent seen already, go check out and find Violet Bella jewelry! For now, its just a ring and a necklace, but many more coming!

Time to relax. I mean it this time...
