Our New Addition...

So, we went to Toys R Us yesterday while we were in the city to grocery shop. James wanted to scope out the Legos. He is wanting to get back in to them, yes... like 25 years later in his life :) And I came across this little woods loving creature and absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to have him, yes just like a kid in a toy store. It was like it was instantly a part of me. I am so excited to have this little baby fawn be a new addition to our family. Bella seems to like it too. She has been rubbing her face on its head, so cute. Although James would not let me sleep with it last night :( so it sat on my night table. I am excited for it to go on adventures with us.

So here are its first photos at home. When James mowed the lawn, he left the flowers in the front yard for me. I love looking at them during the golden hour.

I have yet to name my new little friend...Ill let you know when I have done so!

This photo makes me think it should be a girl, what do you think?
close up!
yes, we are pals, in the greatest way!
It helped me pull some goodies from my garden/yard. I have not started gardening yet this year, but my chard and spinach have not stopped growing, even without me touching them since last year! I couldnt believe it! So I picked some spinach and chard, and pulled some dandelions from the yard...
And made a green drink. I have not made one in soooooo long. I used to drink one of these everyday, but with way much more stuff in it. This one only has spinach, chard, dandelion, pinnapple/banana/mango juice, frozen pinnapple, probiotic powder, spirulina and some wheat germ. It was very on the sweet side, but good for just starting out again on them, it is definately an aquired taste.
Big Love,