New Things Aboard

New and exciting things are happening behind the scenes at Violet Bella.

*I have two new assistants who will be helping me with my uploading, Jen & Katelyn. I could not be more excited, both of these girls are super cute and talented in their own ways, and I feel very honored to have them aboard.

(Speaking of Jen, check out this post she did with lots of pics from our hula hoop making party)

What this means... I will be able to focus a bit more on designing and creating. I get in a rut sometimes with creating because I feel like I have so much to post and it just piles up, so now with the help of friends I will be able to focus again on my craft, which means more goodness for all of you!

*I am introducing a new look and feel to my product photos that I could not be happier about. So the shop is getting a little makeover :)

*There is a whole new line being daydreamed and slowly created behind the scenes that I cannot wait to share with you! Eeeeek, I think it is going to be fun!

*There are many new pieces on Ruche! I am psyched that I have joined there team and that it is doing well for them!

*Working on my new fall line of jewelry (see below), and I am just joyful with it. Not too much different from my normal stuff, just more focused on fall colors, patinas, woodland and feathered creatures. All the stuff I usually love. These are just a sneak peak of what will be going in the shop tonite, many more!

I will be adding a custom photo necklace listing to the shop as well. I love how this customer wanted to use a vintage family photo, so special.
Have a wonderful day!
