The Story of Us - Part 4

from these pictures it would seem like we have had nothing but smiles and roses, that is NOT the case, we have had MAJOR ups and downs, as ANY relationship has, I just dont care to share those moments. We are a very REAL couple, WITH flaws, I guarantee you!

Since the wedding we have...

taken family portraits (thanks Katelyn)

Worn unibombers on our honeymoon
(james dad's glasses from the 70's)

Had even more fun with old glasses!

and yes, even Sugar, his parents dog, partook in this one!
aquired LOTS of new babies! Hazel, the fawn, being just one of them.
we have had very reclusive romantic anniversaries
we have been tattooed together
we have taken alot of naps :)
we have had 3 excellent christmases, and handmade our stockings
we have left each other many sweet notes
we have had many tent parties!!! Violet loves them!
Many snuggles laying on the floor
I have won like 20 games of scrabble!!! Grand Master! (okay, so james won his first one a while back, now he thinks hes king!) ... and apparently this is my 'oh yeah i just beat AGAIN' face :)
we have eaten at fun restaurants. and james has seen a few (just a few) drunken episodes of me.
we have taken trips to Lost Maples and other fun places
we have had many picnics
we have taken lots of photos together
and james has put up with me taking lots
and lots
and lots of the these photos.
So, that is the story of us. With many other adventures in between...

I wish everyone in the world to find a bit of what we have. I love this boy, and he loves me. Even though at times we thought we didnt, love has always pulled us through.
