PPP for the country girl in me...

I had no idea it was possible...

to be so in love...
with another clothing designer...
One of my newest PPP!!! (wait until you see the other one)

The reason I started making clothes was b/c I could never find things that were really 'me'... until I met Shauna of Poor Pitiful Pearl. So now I basically make clothes for everyone else, and I live in PPP, its almost silly.
James and I took Violet on a little drive the morning, she is loving this weather. I thought her face looked cute in this shot.
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Ive been buried in teddy bears all day. But I did allow myself a bit of time hooping and I jammed to some great music all day long.

Im having a love affair with Bayside's acoustic album. I cant stop listening to it.
