New Jewelry

 First of all, I want to say thank you for all of the super sweet comments everyone has been leaving.  Especially on my more emotional posts the last few days.  It means alot.  Im feeling alot better.  Ive had a few days to reflect, count my blessings... and workout!  I really think working out helps a ton.  I have NEVER been one to like working out until about 2 months ago.  Now I actually look forward to it!

A few new sweet little necklaces made their way into the shop today!  Hop on over to see what else is new!  Adding stuff everyday, and more to come!

After tomorrow, my boy is off for a whole week from work!  Too bad its all cold and rainy outside.  Or maybe thats a good thing, more movies and snuggles.  Monday he is getting his teeth pulled... so for a few days he may be out of it, and Ill be his little nurse maid.  I actually bought pudding to make... I havent made pudding in like 10 years!

Maybe Ill actually get to some sewing next week.  Its been so long it feels like.  Since before the holidays!  Crazy!  All I have been focusing on lately is jewelry, mainly b/c behinds the scenes I have 3 wholesale orders Im working on, so Ive been at my jewelry desk alot!!!  But I love it all.

Im thinking tomorrow I might be having a little giveaway, so check back!  Also, throughout the rest of the month, I have little guest posts and diys coming from my sponsors you see there on the right hand side!  Im excited to share some fun things from people I love!
